17 The Procedure By the time I’d returned to our hiding spot, Agent Danby looked whiter than a ginger goth, with the defector making more indecipherable noise beneath his head. “I know., I know. I’ll take the hood off in a minute,” I said, opening the rucksack and emptying the contents onto the floor. I slapped Danby hard around the face and shook him by the shoulders. His clothing was soaked in blood. He came around. I cracked open a bottle of coke and ripped open the sugar and salt sachets. I forced them into his mouth. He groaned gagged at the taste. I forced him to wash it all down with a hit of cola, fizz spilling out over his lips. “Sugars and salts” I said. “Electrolytes to keep you awake.” Props to the Philippe Vasquez School for Assassins. If you were dehydrated and not at