Chapter 11

1034 Words

Emma's pov: I heard the doorbell ring and i got up jogging towards the main door whule leaving the cold wet cloth on Castiel's forehead. Upon opening the door i was met by doctor Sith who looked pretty flustered and red standing there with his briefcase in which he carries his doctor tools and nonetheless he looked kind of disoriented. "Oh hi Emma" he said making his way inside the mansion . "Hi Doctor Smith" i greeted back "Sorry i am a bit disoriented, i just came here straight from the hospital and there was a massive trauma there due to which the E.R was full and all that got me pretty worked up" he said in one wuick breath while walking into the room Castiel was resting in. "Oh it's fune doctor Smith" i tild him with a smile which he briefly returned setting his briefcase down o

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