Chapter 4

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*** Jamie’s POV *** * “Jamie? What is taking you so long? I swear to god, if you are not done in two minutes….” Rory, my annoying best friend, cluttered frustratedly until I cut her off. “Coming, gosh… Chill, drama Queen.” I rolled my eyes as I walked out of my bedroom, into the small living room where Rory was waiting for me. “Tell that Chris. He has been blowing up my phone for the last five minutes. He is already downstairs.” She said and showed me her phone. Chris was our friend too. The three of us have been best friends since forever, because we literally grew up together in the orphanage. “I am done, geez.” I grabbed my bag and wore my sneakers before heading out of the apartment. I lived in a small apartment in the city centre. This was the only place I could afford. Since Rory was living with her boyfriend and Chris too had a friend to live with, I needed to find a place on my own. Luckily, the money that I got when we left that hell hole was enough to rent this place, so I can’t complain. “Finally,” Chris said dramatically when we hopped into his car. “Sorry, baby. Were you waiting for long?” I asked him sweetly and he shook his head while he tried hard to stay mad at me, but I saw the small smile in the corner of his mouth. Rory let out a chuckle at my tactics from the back seat. Chris could never be mad at me after seeing my puppy face. “Shut up.” He said and started driving. We were heading to the Black Hole where I used to go to fight two times a week. I was always a good fighter, since I needed to learn to defend myself in the orphanage, so I thought why not make money out of it? They paid well and I didn’t mind letting out some steam. That club was the best place for that and they even paid for it. Isn’t it great? I stretched my hand to the dashboard and turned on the music. My favorite song started to play and that totally made my day. We started singing and dancing, even though we were sitting while doing silly things and Chris was yelling at us over the music to stop. “Damn, girls. Slow the f*ck down. This is not my car.” He whined, but we just ignored him like usual. He borrowed his boyfriend’s car, but the dude was so much in love with him, he would even give it to him if he asked for it. “Ahh.. Chrissy… don’t be such a spoilsport.” I said playfully, and rolled down the window. They used to come with me and watch me kick a*ses as they always used that as an excuse, but I knew exactly that they were there to watch over me. When I started fighting in the club, they wanted to talk me out of it, saying it was dangerous and stuff, but I had none of it. In the end, they let me be on the condition that they would always accompany me or at least one of them. Today it’s just Chris who is going to stay with me because Rory needs to go back home. Her boyfriend called her so we dropped her off on the way. “How many fights will you have today?” Chris asked as he looked at me briefly. “Originally two, but I asked for a bonus one.” I said with a wink and he let out a chuckle while he shook his head. Chris was a good looking guy. He worked out regularly and had muscles in all the right places. Honestly, I would jump at him if he was straight, but yeah… all the s*xy guys were gay, sadly. “Stop ogling me, b*tch.” He said with a laugh. “Ops.” I let out a giggle as I got caught again, but that happened all the time. We were very close to each other so we had no secrets between us. He knows that I think he is hot and I tell him all the time as well. After parking the car, we headed to the back to use the back door. Fighters needed to use that entrance. “I’ll go to take a seat. Kick their f*cking a*ses, b*tch.” Chris said and pressed a kiss onto my cheek before sitting down in the first row. There were a few girls in the changing room, all new faces, expect two girls I saw last week when I was here. I kicked one of their a*s and I must admit, she was pretty tough. She made me sweat for my money, not like the rest, but I landed a good head-kick on her and she was out cold after a few minutes. “Hello.” I greeted them politely. Usually I don’t pay attention to anyone. I wasn't here to make friends so I put my earphones on and listened to music while I changed. I was almost done when someone patted my shoulders, so I turned around to find that girl standing there. The one I beat up last week. ‘Hmm.. she doesn’t have any bruises. Weird.’ I thought before I took one of my earphones out. “Hi.” I smiled at her. “Hi. Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask you for a rematch.” She asked nicely. “Okay, why not? I have three rounds today, but what do you say about tomorrow?” I asked. “Cool.” She said with a smile. She seemed nice. “Cool.” I repeated and she walked back to her friend while I finished getting ready. “Jamie, you’re up.” The security guy knocked on the door and yelled, so I put my stuff into one of the lockers and walked out of the changing room. When I hurried towards the ring I accidentally bumped into someone, hard. “Sh*t, sorry dude. I was in …” the words stuck in my throat when I looked up at the guy. He was extremely handsome and s*xy. Was he even real? “The f*ck..?” I cursed unintentionally. “Sorry?” He asked with a confused expression and I snapped out of my day dreams about his gorgeousness. “Oh, crap… I am sorry again. I am next. Gotta go.” I said like the id*ot I was and hurried into the ring. The guy was too handsome for his own good and it seemed like his handsome face caused brain damage to me. I mean… damn… how could someone look that good? I hope he wasn’t gay. I tried to clear my mind as I climbed into the ring and faced my opponent. There were whistles and cheering from the crowd and I loved it. It always helped me to push myself harder. “Fight.” The referee said, and I waited for the girl to come at me first. It looked like she was waiting for the same, so I gave in and landed the first kick. I had two more fights so I wanted to be done with them quickly, get the money and go home. She was an ‘okay’ fighter and she managed to stay on her feet for the second round, but then I had enough of the ‘foreplay’ so I sent her flying with a kick into her stomach. “And the winner is…. Jamie.” The guy lifted my hand up and I nodded my head with a smile at the crowd before heading back to the changing room. I wasn’t even sweating. “You were great.” I heard a deep and s*xy voice on my way and turned to see the guy from earlier. Mr. Perfect. “Oh, thanks.” I said and I felt my cheeks heating up. ‘What the f*ck is happening?’ I have never blushed. I touched my burning cheeks and the feeling was totally foreign. “Are you okay?” I jumped as I heard his voice again, but from closer at this time. I didn’t notice when he walked up to me and now he was just a step away from me. His alluring smell hit me like a bullet and killed a few of my brain cells. “Yeah.. I am fine. Are you?” I asked like an id*ot while staring up at him like a school girl in love. ‘What the f*ck was wrong with me?’ He let out a chuckle and now I got a better look at him. He was very tall and had light brown hair. Not too short, but also not too long with beautiful, vivid grey eyes and, don't let me start on his body... He was Hercules himself. “Yeah, I am fine too.” He said and scratched the back of his neck. ‘Was he nervous?’ “I just wanted to apologise properly for running into you earlier.” He said and I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips as he talked. Like he compelled me and I just wanted to …. ‘Snap out of it, Jamie.’ “Jamie.” “Huh?” “You are Jamie, right? Are you sure you are okay?” He asked and I let out a chuckle. “Yeah. Yeah… sorry. I am a bit absentminded,” I said, and tried to compose myself. “It’s okay. Actually… I wanted to ask you if…” he started, but my annoying best friend chose the worst moment to appear. “Jamie, baby. You were awesome as always.” He came and hugged me. As soon as he did, the guy whose name I didn’t even know started coughing. “Oh, hi there cutie.” Chris looked at him from head to toe, but the strange thing was that the guy wasn’t smiling anymore. He looked furious instead as he glared at Chris’ hand around my shoulders. “Chris, just go back to your seat. I am up soon.” I said and tried to signal to him to get lost as I shook his hand off of me quickly. “Oh, right. Bye handsome.” Finally he got the hint and walked away dramatically. “Sorry about him. What were you saying?” I asked him nervously. “Who is he?” He asked. He totally changed from the sweet handsome guy to a scary-looking handsome hulk. He looked so mad, he was almost shaking and I didn’t know what was going on, but I answered his question anyway. “He is just my best friend, Chris. He is gay.” I told him even though I think that was obvious when he called him ‘cutie’ and ‘handsome’. I guess he didn’t take the hint. “Gay?” His face turned from an angry to a confused one in a matter of seconds and he looked f*cking cute. “Yeah, you know… Gay… He actually has a boyfriend too.” His beautiful grey eyes widened from the realisation and he cleared his throat awkwardly. “So? What were you saying… Hmm…?” I trailed off, he hadn’t introduced himself yet. “Dylan. My name is Dylan.” He said, again smiling, and held his hand out to me for a handshake. “Dylan, it’s you.” Before I could shake his hand, the girl I beat up last time jumped at him excitedly. Damn. I knew he was too perfect to be single. I didn’t want to interrupt them and I didn’t want the girl to think that I had the hots for her boyfriend, even if I was totally on fire from his appearance, voice and everything, so I just turned on my heels and walked away. What a pity… I sat down in the changing room and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I had never acted like this when I was talking to a handsome guy. They didn’t move me at all and my friends even joked about me liking girls, but this guy… he moved me alright. What a pity he was taken. It actually made me totally annoyed. Finally, a guy who affects me, but he has a girlfriend. Luckily, they called me for the next fight, so I went out to let some steam out on my opponent. I didn’t see the guy anywhere, but I didn’t want to be too obvious either about looking for him in the crowd, so I just climbed into the ring. I felt frustrated and mad for some reason. I was disappointed and I really wanted to hit someone. As I thought about that, that girl’s face popped into my head. Dylan’s girlfriend. Then I remembered that we have a match tomorrow. Will he come to see her? “F*cking hell, Jamie. What the f*ck is wrong with you?” I talked to myself in disbelief. ‘Stop f*cking thinking about the guy.’ I came to my senses when a punch landed on my face. ‘Ouch.’ That was a good one. I started concentrating on the fight. It was a KO in two minutes and I turned to climb out of the ring when I noticed the guy… I mean Dylan was standing on the edge of the ring like he was ready to climb in and I looked at him in confusion. His face softened when he looked at me. “Are you okay? That must hurt.” He said and he looked like he was in pain as he looked at my cheek and I just scoffed. “That? Are you kidding? It was just a slap.” I said with a chuckle, and climbed out of the ring to go back to the changing room. I don’t know why he was still talking to me. Wasn’t his girlfriend jealous? I know I f*cking would be if he was mine. “Jamie, please wait.” He called after me and he sounded kind of desperate, but I didn’t want to stop and talk to him anymore. That wouldn’t be good for my sanity at all and I was worried I would do something that I would regret later if I needed to face him again.
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