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CHAPTER XI KART-HADASHT (From Anna’s memoirs) The south wind blew us back across the lake to the narrow channel. Approaching the tideway, Uttar shouted for the oarsmen to ready their blades and the rest to brace for the passage. Our vessel entered the channel at full speed. Although it was now almost high tide, the passage appeared narrower and shallower than when we entered during the storm. The ship jolted as our keel cut its way through mounds of sand on the bottom. Uttar directed the sailors to raise the oars. As they did so, the keel caught on the bottom and the ship came to a lurching halt. The wind twisted the hull, causing it to list hard to the starboard side. Uttar ordered the sail lowered and sent the rest of the crew into the sea. Once we had the sail tied up, the men in th

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