28. Still Arrogant?

1876 Words
“Let’s go out for dinner tonight.” Adrian demanded. “What?” Diana stated and it wasn’t just her voice this time that echoed but a larger crowd was present there as well. And both Diana and Adrian followed the voices only to find the whole staff of the salon to be standing by the door and gawking at Diana and Adrian. Diana’s eyes landed on Tony, who stood next to Gloria, another hair dresser, who had just come back to work and he leaned down and whispered in to her ear and Diana only gulped with anxiety realizing that Tony must be informing her, who Adrian was. “Guys…” Diana gestured at the staff members to go back inside and they did just so, except for Tony, who sassed his way back at Diana. “Well, sorry for disturbing your little public display of affection, we were startled by the large bouquets that are placed in the middle of the salon and is causing us disturbance to go by about our business and if you are done being romantic, can you come inside and deal with your little expensive gifts?” Diana knew that Tony was definitely pissed over the fact that she was hiding from him and Gloria about who Adrian who, since Adrian’s actions were showing the fact that him and Diana were quite close and went hand in hand. “Just ask the guys who brought them in to move to the makeup studio.” She told Tony, who walked back inside, strutting his hips and rolling his eyes, displaying it quite obviously that he was going to show quite the mood to Diana. Diana also sighed and turned back at Adrian, who didn’t give her a second and immediately threw his question her way. “So? should I take it as a yes? What time shall I pick you up and from the salon or should I pick you up from home, given you might want to get ready for the dinner, since it is our first date but you don’t have to get dressed for me. You look pretty even in your casual attire.” He chimed at her and Diana simply shook her head. “I have a lot of work today and I don’t think I can go out with you tonight.” She immediately rejected his advances and the bright smile on Adrian’s face immediately disappeared. She moved to get inside the salon but Adrian once again held her back, this time not just holding but squeezing her wrist and making Diana whimper in pain. “Ouch!” she complained but Adrian remained unfazed, since he felt not just dejected but also played with. He got her flowers just like every other guy does instead of being thankful and agreeing to go out with him, she said no to him. What is wrong with her? Is she one of those girls who reject guys who are good for them and go out with those men who do the bare minimum? He wondered as he began bombarding Diana with his questions. “Why would you not go out with me? What is wrong with me? Or is something wrong with you?” “What? Why would there be something wrong with me?” she asked, offended by his question, as she tried to wriggle herself free off his touch but Adrian kept his hold firm on her fragile little wrist. He pulled her closer, making her head bump right in to his chest. She gasped slowly, looking up at Adrian, as her heart began beating in a slow rhythm, almost sounding like a melody. Why does… why does it feel so peaceful, looking at him? She wondered, as she fluttered her hazel eyes and at the same time, Adrian also looked down at her. Up and close – she was beautiful, he couldn’t deny that. She isn’t that bad on the eye. He wondered as he felt his heart turning slightly warm. A car passed by honking loudly at a pedestrian and it broke the two out of their trance, making them look at each other at first and then immediately turn their stares away. What the hell was I thinking? Both of the two wondered as they collected their thoughts and straightened up, maintaining a slight distance between them. “I mean, why would you not go out with me?” Adrian asked and Diana shrugged, pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t have a particular reason to not go out with you.” she stated, rubbing her left arm with her right hand and her little gesture was enough to tell Adrian that she was acting hesitant and shy at the same time. “Then I am giving you a reason to go out with me. I am acting nice and I just want one date with you, to prove to you why it would be completely worth it going out with me. I promise you that after tonight, if you would still say that you don’t want to see me, I would actually leave for good.” “You said the same thing yesterday at the hospital.” Diana reminded him and Adrian raised his eyebrows back at her. “And then you gave me your number.” He reminded her, making Diana laugh a little. “That was for you to text. So, that you would stop showing up spontaneously.” “I don’t get it! you are okay with me texting you and you almost sound as if you want me to text you and you have a problem if I show up. What is this disease called again?” he joked, making Diana snicker a little. “It’s called being an introvert. And what you do, showing up unannounced is called being an overtly extrovert person.” Diana retorted at Adrian, this time making him laugh. “I am just not satisfied if I don’t get to hear it out of your face that you are dying to go out with me.” Diana couldn’t help but shake her head and roll her eyes slightly at Adrian’s cocky methods of trying to sneak closer to her. “Well, how would you feel if I told you that I don’t want to go out with you?” she c****d back at him and Adrian simply shrugged. “You wouldn’t.” he daunted and Diana crossed her arms across her chest and looked at Adrian with curiosity. “How could you be so sure?” she asked and Adrian shrugged. “Because deep down, I still know that you are the same Diana that I know of. You can change your last name, your dressing, your tone with me but I know that you still like me, don’t you?” Diana went in a state of total shock, not expecting Adrian to bring up their past at such a moment. She chose to remain reticent, finally understanding Ben as well, who had also gone silent in front of Adrian. His personality was very daunting, masticating and intimidating. He was a very spontaneous person and no one could tell when and what would he say. “Hey! Earth to Diana.” Adrian waved his hands in front of Diana’s face, startling her out of her thoughts. “Huh?” she stated, as she looked back at Adrian. “So, should I consider it a date today?” he asked and Diana nodded at her, remembering that she was on a mission to find out what Adrian was up to and the quicker she found out the better it would be for her, since it would help her get rid of him as soon as possible. Thence, she gave in to his demands and decided to get to the bottom of what Adrian was up to. “Yeah! Why not? I mean sooner or later we would go out, anyways, right?” she asked and Adrian nodded, protruding nothing but sheer confidence and it gave Diana slight sense of the idea that Adrian was still feigning and basing most of his confidence over the fact that Diana’s feelings from the past were too strong and they would definitely resurface for him or perhaps maybe still existed. “Okay then! You can pick me up from my house at around eight?” she offered and Adrian nodded back at her. “It is a date then.” With that Adrian simply turned around and left and with that he gave Diana the idea that he was definitely pretending to be interested in her. He battled for her number, visited her Aunt at the hospital and book an entire coffee shop for a date with her. He did all of this only to make Diana believe that he was interested in her. Diana watched as Adrian went ahead and stood right outside the back door of his car. One of his guards stepped down from the front side of the car and opened up the door for Adrian and only then he got inside. It only showed Diana that the guy had not changed even the slightest bit. He was still the same arrogant asshole that she remembered him to be. He used to be just the same. His driver, who drove him every morning would be the one to get out of the car first and open up the door for Adrian. He refused to fill his own plate at the dining table and only had the servants fill up his plate. He wouldn’t choose his clothes for himself but instead, have a butler or a maid place his clothes out for him. He was still the same and made his drivers and guards get the door of the car for him. He was still arrogant and full of himself. That’s just how he always had been and there was no way he changed his feelings towards Diana. The way he just walked away nonchalantly, once Diana agreed to go on a date with him, showed it right off the bat that he just wanted to listen to her say yes and it feigned his ego and satisfied his heart that she was still in to him and he could play around with her. But why does he want to play with me? She pondered on that confusing thought. What could he possibly want from me? As Adrian’s car rode away, Diana watched him fade out of her sight and soon she felt a heavy tap on her shoulder that startled her and made her turn around. She placed her hands over her heart, that began beating erratically and she felt out of control and panicked due to the sudden attack she felt from behind. But Diana’s heart soon came back to a steady state as she saw that the people who had startled her were not some strangers but her own two very good friends Tony and Gloria. -------------------------- I am going to upload a number of chapters for this book. I hope you guys enjoy these updates :) Thank you for always reading and suppirting my work <3
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