42.So Much Is Hidden

3181 Words
Just like Diana’s luck was never in her favor, it seemed like, the universe was plotting against her and just as she had thought that she had escaped the tantalizing torments of the young lad, a hand around her waist, pulled her back and inside one of the storage rooms. She opened her mouth to scream or yelp out but a firm hand around her lips, only made it impossible for her to make any sound. Her eyes bulged out with fear, as her heart began racing erratically and audibly. The lights of the storage room were hit on and in front of her stood Zion, the tall, white cheeky boy with dark brown hair and tormenting brown eyes. His hand rested on the light panel, that was present right next to Diana’s head. She looked deep in to his brown eyes that darkened when he looked at Diana and smirked back at her, curling his lips from the corner, making disgust run through her eyes. It was the usual way of his to torment and t*****e the poor girl. He had not done the unthinkable with her but that was the thing that the most horrible for Diana. Had he once done something to her, to grave and damaging, she may had gotten an idea what was the worse that Zion could have done but he played and toyed with her fears. He took advantage of her sense of hunt and witnessed the fear in her eyes each time, enjoying the shivers that came to Diana’s whimpering body each time, he took her to a corner and traumatized her in such a horrible manner. He let go off her mouth and smirked, as he placed one hand next to her head on the wall that he had her pushed up against. “You thought it would be funny to not drop my homework in my room? You didn’t want to see me?” He c****d as he looked back at her and Diana only gulped hard, pushing her body hard against the wall to create distance between her and Zion, who was deliberately standing up and close to her. He smirked sensing how helpless Diana felt, it gave his devilish mind some sort of satisfaction to watch a girl so timid and feeble quiver underneath him. Feeling insecure and afraid, she wrapped her arms around her chest and tried to protect her body from him. It only made Zion lean his neck further towards her, with his face hovering only a few inches away from her. His eyes darted low and towards her breasts, which made Diana tighten her hold around her body. She sniffed and squirmed, trying to hold back her cries. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping and wishing that the moment she would open her eyes back all of that torment would be over. Or at least she hoped that if she kept her eyes closed and didn’t have to look at Zion’s face, she would at least feel some sense of peace. She tried to dig deep in to her brain and wished to be transported to some place peaceful or at least hoped that a memory of tranquility from her past would help her relax her heart that was beating loudly, threatening to rip through her meek chest. Her hair all over her body stood erect, as she felt Zion’s breath on her face and she could smell the strong whiff of cigarettes making its way to her nostril, which made her feel even more nauseous than she already felt. “Don’t you think, you could hide those things from me. I have seen them with a shirt. Don’t you remember? So, I know there is nothing to hide. Or have you grown something that you want to hide?” Zion grinned viciously, making Diana’s heart drown in sheer embarrassment as she was reminded of the time, when Zion pushed her in a puddle of water and when she got up all drenched, he only gazed down at her bosoms, keeping his gaze intact over her body, long enough to make Diana realize what he was staring at. She was wearing an oversized thin t shirt and since she only wore light sports b*a, the cold water, made her n*****s hard and show through her shirt that sticked to her body as she was drenched. Even since that day Zion started calling her ‘Flaty’, just to mock her and make her feel embarrassed. His group of male friends would laugh and jeer that name towards Diana each time she would walk around the school and come across those bullies. And it wasn’t just limited to those men, even in the girls’ locker room, Diana would get to hear the echoes of that derogatory name, by different girls, since that name had become more common to be used for Diana than her real name. “So, tell me now, when will you take this shirt off for me? Don’t you want to match chests with me and see who is flatter? I am pretty sure it would be you.” Zion traced his finger over her shoulder and brought it down towards her breasts, only making her squirm and turn her body away from him. He laughed in a much more menacing manner, pulling himself back and away from her. “Why? Why are you acting like this? Did you grow something?” he planted his hand on top of her arms and Diana only gasped in surprise, to see Zion acting so boldly and brazenly with her. He then shifted his hand upwards touching her collar bone and Diana only whimpered back as she tried to push away but her weak body was no match to Zion’s strength, who worked out with a good protein rich diet and of course was not beaten to a pulp by anyone around him that made him incur injuries and become weak, something that Diana had to face. Diana felt disgust running all over her body, who never had anyone to tell the truth, knowing that revealing Zion’s harassment to her father, would only put her in a tougher spot. She only tolerated Zion’s a***e, in the hope that there were only a few months left and he would go to college anyways. Zion’s laughter reverberated inside her head, making her close her eyes and hug herself tightly, as a lone tear ran down her face, which only made Zion laugh even harder, as a sadist that he was. “Gosh! It’s amazing to see you cry like that. Pathetic.” Spitting on Diana’s side and on the floor, the boy walked out of the storage room, leaving Diana alone with her thoughts. She cried, slipping against the wall and brought her knees up till her chest. At times, she wished she had a mother who protected her and kept her safe but she didn’t even know the way her life had turned out to be. Ever since her mother’s accident, which took her mother away from her, Diana’s life had turned in to a mess. A pathetic one just like Zion had stated. Her father always remained busy with his work, his job demanding him to take care of the Sarmiento enterprises and that was all she had seen and learned of, growing up. And then with Venessa coming in to their lives and with Ross becoming excessively abusive and ignorant towards Diana, her life was nothing but a big pile of pathetic events and she only wished that all of that would be over one day. Picking herself up, she brushed her tears away and took in a sharp breath, bringing herself back to earth and walked out of the storage closet. Because it wasn’t the first time it was happening and she reminded herself that things like these were bound to happen given to her life and her situation and she only hoped that all of that would be over soon. Diana decided to go back home and just be by herself in that small storage space that had become her life. Pathetic! Zion’s vicious words echoed in her mind once again. She realized that he wasn’t wrong. Everything about her was pathetic. She wasn’t pretty and looked pathetic. She didn’t have loving parents and her father treated him in a much more pathetic manner. She didn’t have any friends and every time she would step out of the house, be it if it would be just for a moment, she would get massively bullied. Just how pathetic was everything for her. At times, she wished to unalive herself and just walk out of the misery no wait… the pathetic mess her life had become. But she always kept some sort of hope in her alive and waited till the next three more years, when she believed that she would graduate high school and move out of her parents house. But once again – even her grades were pathetic and she knew that she would not get in to a good college. But she knew that once she was eighteen, she would be at least legal enough to not require a guardian and be on her own. As she reached the staircase, she began climbing down from it, wanting to leave the house and just go back home. As she walked down the stairway, she felt someone taller than her obstructing her path. She looked up and found a tall blonde, her eyes soft and face peaked with freshness. Her soft blue eyes, mirrored that of her son and her round face structure, made her to be peculiarly outwardly approachable. And out of all the people in Diana’s life who hurt her, Joy was the only one person, who was always kind hearted towards the poor abused girl. “Oh, Diana!” the woman chimed, walking up the staircase and held the young girl’s shoulders and gently patted her head. “It is so good to finally see you. Where had you been? I have not seen you around in such a long time.” she asked, with twinkling eyes. “This is not fair. I am usually busy at the wine club and then I have to take care of some businesses as well. I guess that’s why I don’t get to see you whenever you come around but today, I came in earlier, to see how Adrian was doing and just had a meeting with your father. But I am glad that I ran in to you as well.” The woman gave a summary of her day to the young girl, who smiled, having found herself a motherly figure in Joy, who proudly stood to the meaning of her words and actually brought Joy in Diana’s life. Everyone else just tormented her no particular reason and Joy on the contrary was kind towards Diana for no particular reason. One reason that Diana assumed why Joy was so kind towards her, was because Joy and Diana’s mother Holly used to best friends since childhood and that was the reason why Joy till that date was always kind hearted towards the daughter of her deceased friend. Diana always wished to find a friendship like her mother and Joy had. Diana still remembered listening to the legendary stories of how her Aunt Joy, who belonged to a very rich family, always kept Diana’s mother around her, helped her and her family through tough times and even went to the same school and then the same college. And when they got married Holly was Joy’s maid of honor and once she married in to the Sarmiento family, she even got Holly set up with Ross and that’s how Diana’s parents had met. There were times when Diana would regret her angelic mother meeting a man as vicious and as horrible as her father. She had seen the way her father remained cold towards her mother and never truly loved her or cared for her. He was never attentive towards Holly and all he cared about was his work and the Sarmiento family. He was so obsessed with that family that he even ended up giving one of his kidneys to Adrian’s grandfather but the man still did not survived and passed away a few years back. Diana had wished that her mother had met a guy who actually cared for her and loved her truly. But despite of all the troubles that Holly went through and Diana was also going through, the only person and the only reason the two always kept going and Diana was still paddling through was Joy. Who took out some money out of her small hand bag and handed it over to Diana. Diana gasped, noticing the hundred dollars bill that Joy passed to her. “I don’t think I have given you this month’s allowance, have I?” she chipped and Diana shook her head back at Joy, refusing to take that money. “No! I can not take this.” She stated but Joy forcefully shoved the money in Diana’s hand. “Keep it with you and buy some good clothes and pretty makeup. I heard that the school’s homecoming is soon? Why don’t you get yourself a pretty dress? If you are free tomorrow, I can go with you?” Diana gulped hard, knowing that if she went with Joy than Venessa may find out and she may end up telling Ross, who would only a***e Diana more. He hated and had expressed his loath towards Diana hanging out with Joy one too many times. Even standing at the staircase in that moment, Diana was terrified and wished that her father wouldn’t find Joy handing out the money to her, as not only would he snatch that money away like he had done previously but also hit Diana. Diana had tried to tell Joy multiple times about the a***e that Ross put her through but she realized that if Joy would get involved, she would only ask Ross politely to treat her daughter right since she was also dependent on Ross for training her son and could not fire him or have him arrested. Also Diana felt worried that if she told Joy about Ross, it could affect Adrian’s training and she did not want Adrian’s future to be effected because of her. She was that cognizant and careful for not just herself but those around her as well. So, she decided to deal with Ross on her own. “Oh, so silly of me bombarding you with my overly enthusiastic questions about stupid homecoming and stuff. You tell me, how are you doing? You look quite thin. Have you been eating well?” Joy inquired, once noticing that Diana was phantasmic and ever since her mother died, the poor girl was always quiet and reticent. And each time Joy would ask the girl to hang out with her, she would fall in to a state of total silence and Joy took the hint the even if the girl was her best friend’s daughter, she still didn’t wish to keep much contact with her, which was quite lugubrious on Joy’s end, who had other issues at hand to deal with. She was a single mother, who had lost her husband and had a son, whom she needed to sit on the chair, as the rightful heir to the Sarmiento Corporations, since he was the first born of the third generation of the conglomerate family. She wasn’t going to let anyone snatch that right away from her son, only because he didn’t have a father. She was Adrian’s both father and mother and that was the reason why she was so grateful to Ross, who helped her through such tough times and recognized Adrian’s potential and hard work and was training him to become the next CEO after Jake – the current CEO, who was Zion’s father and the brother of Joy’s husband. “Yes!” Diana told Joy, happy to receive the little pocket money from her. “You do keep yourself healthy, okay? And do come around here often.” Joy gently pecked Diana’s cheek and left her to tend to some of her own business. At time, Diana wished that her son, Adrian was just as polite and sweet as his mother but in fact, he was the complete polar opposite of her. he was always rude and aloof towards Diana. Diana felt slightly better after running in to Joy. She was feeling down and low after yet another episode of Zion’s torment. She continued to walk down the staircase and was ready to leave when she crossed the Sarmiento’s gallery and office, up on the ground floor of the mansion. She wanted to leave the house but somehow a loud thrashing sound came in from inside the house and she felt startled and horrified. She knew that her father usually worked in that office and it was the spot where he would usually teach and train Adrian. She felt worried suddenly, knowing with her father having a history of a***e towards minors, she felt terrified and only wondered if the monster that he was and was tamed in front of the Sarmiento may have unleashed out in front of Adrian and she only felt scared wondering if Ross had started to thrash and beat Adrian as well. She tip toed her way towards the office, that was present on the east side of the gallery and the door was placed in a narrow corridor, with the office facing directly towards the large living area, which was usually used as a hall room s***h ball room to host parties at the Sarmiento Mansion. Diana tip toed close towards the office and held her ear closer to it. She had only very gently held on to the gold plated knob of the office door when it flew open, making Diana gasp lowly. She quivered and jumped back, as she heart began beating inside her chest and she felt scared to her core, that whosoever would appear on the other side of the door may think of her as an intruder, who was trying to eavesdrop on what was happening inside the office. Her heart beat rapidly inside her chest, as she turned to leave and disappear from the scene but the person who had opened up the door of the office immediately caught Diana from the hood of her oversized hoodie and before she could’ve said another word or make another move, with quite the ease, the person dragged her from behind in to the empty hall room. Diana’s eyes widened, as she realized that she was being taken to a secluded room and she felt terrified wondering if it was her father, who would give her another beating for being anywhere near him or trying to get closer to the office in the Sarmiento Mansion. ----------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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