78. Her Older Brother

1168 Words
Diana sat on the living room couch next to her Aunt, holding her firmly in her arms, as she rubbed the side of Emily’s arm smoothly, trying her very best to calm her Aunt’s nerves. Lights of red and blue swung and shifted in shadows, casted over Emily and Diana through the windows of the living room where blinders were drawn off and only the net curtains were thrown down the large window that were thin enough to allow the lights from the cherry on top of the police’s car that had come down from investigation at the house. “It’s fine! Polly will be fine.” She whispered softly in to her Aunt’s ear but she knew that no matter what she said the frantically sullen woman, who was in a state of complete shock and disassociated entirely from reality, would pay no heave to her words and Diana’s words would carry no impact on her Aunt’s condition. “I should’ve been a better mother!” Emily repeated the same sentence that she had been saying the moment Diana brought her in to the living room, while Jared and Adrian took charge of the situation calling the cops and patrols, to search out the entire city just to find Polly and extract her back with full safety. “What kind of mother lets her teenage daughter go out at this time of the night all alone?” Emily whimpered, as she slapped her forehead over and over again and Diana immediately held on to her Aunt’s hand, stopping her from slapping herself anymore. “Aunty… no…” she tried to hold Emily back but she only cried out and loud and Diana immediately pulled her hands away from Emily, once she fell weak and pulled her in to her arms, pulling her in for a longing hug. She rubbed her Aunt’s back and held on to her tightly, making sure to keep Emily as relaxed and as warm in that situation of chaos. But no matter how strong Diana tried to keep herself, even deep down in her own heart, her anxiety was in a state of complete turmoil. She was stumbling within her own mind, trying to make out what could’ve possibly happened with Polly and how did she end up getting kidnapped. She closed her eyes and prayed hard, all the while hugging her Aunt that her cousin may remain safe and sound. The door to the living room burst open and Diana shot her eyes up and looked at Adrian walking right inside the room. “Did they find Polly?” she asked and Emily also straightened up, breaking the hug from Diana and looked at Adrian. “Where is my daughter?” she got up and walked towards Adrian, who gently held on to the older lady and made her sit right back on the couch. He could sense that Emily was not in the right mental and physical state to be considered as someone to have a normal conversation with. He perched down on his knees and held on to Emily’s hands, as she remained seated on to the couch. “Polly would be fine! you don’t have to worry about a single thing. Can you tell me once again, who informed you about Polly getting kidnapped? I just talked with the commissioner and he is on his way to see in the incident on his own. So, you don’t have to worry about anything at this moment and I promise you that I will get Polly back to you, safe and unharmed, right in to your arms within the next hour. Okay? So, tell me how did you find out that Polly got kidnapped?” Emily took in a deep breath, as Adrian’s soft voice somehow acted as a soother to her untamed and obnoxious heart. “I… I received a call from a friend of hers, who lives in our neighborhood and attends the same academy as Polly. They always walk back together and I had firmly told Polly to never walk back from the academy alone on her own. And she never does it. but I guess it was not even safe anymore. That friend of hers, called me and she told me that as they were walking back from the academy, a van came closer to them. They hit her in the back of her head and knocked her unconscious and they took Polly.” Adrian simply hummed back and kept his face straight and seeing the expressions on his face, Diana could tell that he had sensed something serious and grave by her Aunt’s conversation. The door to the living room flung open and Jared stood looking on to Adrian. “Mr. Sarmiento, can you come out for a second?” Adrian nodded, as he got up and walked out of the living room, handing Diana back to Emily. But Diana didn’t stay back with her Aunt and instead she followed Adrian out. She came out to stand next to Adrian and Jared looked between her and then Adrian, wanting his boss to inform him whether it would be appropriate for him to continue on in front of Diana and Adrian only shrugged back at his assistant. “It’s fine! she deserves to know as well.” He told Jared who hummed and nodded in obedience as he began to narrate the observations of the police force so far. “It seems like Polly was targeted.” He told Adrian, who didn’t seem so surprised and Diana noticed that he had the same calm on his face that he previously did when her Aunt had told her about how she found out about the k********g. While she stood confused, wondering how and why someone would specifically target Polly. A police officer walked in and the trio turned to look at him. “Is Ms. Sanchez at home?” he asked, referring to Emily but Adrian stepped ahead. “She’s not in the right state of mind to talk about anything right now. She is very much worried about her own daughter but you can talk to me.” Diana only stood back and observed the way Adrina took charge of the whole responsibility and without having any mental cognizance of what was about to come and the fact that the next few moments, were going to become the basis of changing her whole perspective towards Adrian, Diana was only shocked when she heard the officer ask. “Are you a family member?” “Yes! I am! I am Paulina’s older brother.” Said Adrian, not knowing the weight of his words that not only touched Diana’s heart but had even built a little home in her heart that was going to grow up to become a whole mansion that would take charge and control of her heart entirely. ---------------------------------- How adorable and responsible is Adrian, right? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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