77. Frantic

1640 Words
“I… I thought that it was my Aunt!” Diana told him, feeling quite awkward in that position that she found herself to be. “She took Jared to the living room with her, to show her porcelain figurine collection. Jared is also fond of it.” Adrian told Diana, as he walked towards her and she immediately began stepping backwards, sensing that he came in to place the dirty plates in the sink. “Relax! I am not going to eat you, I am full with the lasagna.” Adrian joked, once he noticed the manner with which Diana retracted back from him. “No… I was just creating some space for you.” Diana informed him, as she turned back towards the stove and bit her lips inside her mouth, realizing just how feeble she must have acted in front of Adrian for him to comment what he had just said. “No! the kitchen is spacious enough. You don’t have to move around. Just stick by your place and cook those spicy noodles of yours.” Adrian snickered, making Diana feel even more embarrassed about the way she continued to chime in front of him, and revealed what she was about to have. Why is he acting so cool? Or maybe, am I acting a bit too awkward? She wondered as she turned around and finally decided to match Adrian’s level of casualness. “Would you like to have some?” Diana asked with a casual shrug and Adrian’s eyebrows lifted, as he noticed that it was perhaps and probably the very first time that Diana acted to decently towards him. Perhaps, it was the first time, after their date where they both were having such a civilized conversation. “Yes! I would love to.” He let the words slip out of his mouth and Diana nodded at him. “Great! I’ll just take another packet out for you then.” With that Diana walked to stand right in front of Adrian and opened up the cabinet right above the sink, which was the designated pantry section for preserved and other foods. She scrammed through the section to find the packet but she couldn’t place any. “It is fine if there isn’t any more left. Besides, I already had dinner and…” “No! I just got a whole packet of six last night…” Diana argued back, as she climbed on top of the sink’s edge and began surfing through the cabinet. “It has to be somewhere here.” She continued to look back in to the deepest corners of the pantry, all the while stretching out on her tiptoes. Albeit she was lost and determined to find that packet of noodles to cook, she forgot that she was standing on a very sharp ledge and before she knew it, she feet lost the balance and she went flying down and back. Diana gasped, closing her eyes shut, ready to not just face pain but embarrassment as well but Adrian was quick enough to spread his arms out held Diana right before she went flying down. She landed straight in to his arms, as if he was trying to catch a fruit falling from a tree. Diana felt safe, once she realized that she didn’t fall on to something hard and instead, she was lifted up by two strong arms. She held her eyes shut and the third packet that she had actually found rested close to her heart, as she held her hands over her chest. “Are you alright?” Adrian’s soft voice cooed in to her ear and she slowly opened up her eyes, finding his electrifying stare tantalizing her soul and her mind. She gulped hard and nodded and Adrian slowly rotated her body, bringing her to stand up on her feet. And once Diana’s feet touch the ground, a wince escaped her lips and her nose scrunched up, as she sense pain shoot right through her feet and her ankle. Adrian immediately lifted her back in his arms, once he noticed that something was right. “What happened?” he asked, as he immediately placed her on the counter top and bent down on his knees reaching out to grab her ankle. He smoothly rubbed her ankle and Diana winced in pain but the pain was nothing compared to the tingling sensation that she felt running up and down her spine. She cleared her throat, trying to ignore the burning sensation that she felt in her cheeks but they only grew redder as Adrian started to massage her ankle, making Diana clench her thighs harder and together. “Umm… Adrian…” she tried to push him away but her voice only grew hoarser and thicker, making Adrian look up at her face. she immediately cleared her throat and called his name again. “Adrian… I think I am fine.” she tried to free her ankle at once and Adrian also let go off her and stood up straight. “Why is your face so red? Are you fine?” he asked, as he placed the back of his hand against Diana’s cheeks, making her eyes go wide. “I am fine…” she tried to push Adrian’s hand away but he only slid his hand upwards first. He tried to examine the temperature of her forehead and once that was done, he then immediately slid his hand against her neck in a swift motion, taking Diana entirely by surprise. A small yelp escaped her lips, as her gaze widened and her heart beat fastened at the same time. She gulped hard, and Adrian could notice the movement of her throat, which showed to him that she was nervous but he only assumed that she was running a fever. “Are you ill? Did something happen to you? why didn’t you tell me that you were having a fever?” He asked, keeping the back of his hand intact against her neck, that made Diana skin tickle and she couldn’t take the t*****e anymore. She slapped his hand away, making Adrian jerk slightly back in surprise. “Are you alright? you are acting weird.” Adrian once again inquired with concern but Diana only shook her head back at him, “I am fine!” With that she slid down the counter forgetting about her little sprain and the moment het feet hit the ground, she once again winced in pain but Adrian was quick enough to grab her waist and immediately pulled her up. “Stay right here!” He told her, all the while gripping her waist, as he planted her on top of the counter top. “Adrian… I am really fine. it is only a little sprain… I think you are over reacting.” She tried to argue with Adrian but he only shook his head, keeping his hands firm on her body. Diana tried to move his hands away by placing her own on top of his forearm but Adrian only tightened his grip around her waist, making Diana’s eyes go wide, as she gasped slightly. “I told you to stay put!” He c****d an eyebrow at Diana, who straightened up her back and it only made her breast plump out and gently rub against Adrian’s hard chest. Something within Adrian evoked with a spark with the slight and gentle brush of Diana’s breast that rubbed only softly against his chest. He felt blood gush down towards his groin as the most innate carnal feelings within his body awakened up, stirring his deepest desires. His eyes were randomly fixated at Diana’s eyes but they left those round orbs of hers and traveled down towards her lips. It would be amazing, if I were to be kissing those lips. He thought to his own self, as he leaned only an inch and Diana could sense what was going on in that mind of his. Diana also closed her eyes at once and it was enough of a signal for Adrian that she was willing to accept his movements. He leaned forward and his lips on hovered a centimeter away from hers when the door to the kitchen flew open and both Diana and Adrian woke up from their euphoric dream. Diana’s heart shook up with fear, as she sensed that it could be anyone by the door, her aunt or perhaps Polly that could see her in such a compromised situation. Thence, she immediately pulled herself back and at the same time Adrian also pulled himself away from Diana turning around to pretend his best that nothing was going on between the two. They both turned towards the door of the kitchen where Emily burst in, frantic and out of her mind, as she cried with heavy tears rolling down her cheeks and came rushing in towards Diana, who immediately noticed her Aunt’s condition and slid down the counter, limping meekly towards her Aunt and Adrian kept a close walk behind Diana, making sure that she didn’t fall down and in case she did, he would be there to help her stay put. “What happened?” Diana asked, as she reached out towards her Aunt, who held on to Diana’s arms and cried in a completely frantic and panicking manner. “Polly… it’s… she…” “What happened to Polly?” Diana asked, as her heart began drowning with fear, scared that something horrible may have happened. “What happened to Polly?” Diana asked again, as her Aunt tried to catch her breath in between her cries before she finally revealed the rattling news that had shaken up the poor mother’s world. “Polly… she’s been kidnapped!” --------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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