76. Did His Mom Die?

1878 Words
“Wait!” Emily called Adrian out, making him halt his footsteps. He turned around and found Emily to be looking at his way, while Diana looked at her Aunt, obviously not very excited and happy with her Aunt taking the chance and calling the guy to stop, just when he was about to leave. “Wait! Come back.” Emily requested Adrian, making Diana gasp. Her voice was loud and it surely startled Diana, who wasn’t expected her Aunt to speak up. Jared couldn’t help but feel happy and knew it in his heart that Emily was a kind woman. Standing a few feet away from the door, Adrian stood his hands back at Emily. “No! I wouldn’t want to…. I shouldn’t.” he refuted the sweet request and Emily only shook her head at Adrian and waved her hand at him, gesturing him to come inside. “We are Latinas! We do not let any guest from our doorstep go away. I invited you, without knowing who you were and even if it turns out that I know you, I will not let you go back without having a proper meal. I cooked a lot for you tonight and you better finish each and every single bite in your plate.” She smiled, stepping aside and welcomed Adrian in to her home, pulling Emily along with her. Emily gasped in agitation, as she stared at her Aunt, feeling betrayed by her for taking Adrian back in to their house. And on top of everything, all the things that her Aunt had stated about welcoming guests in to their home, was the biggest lie that Diana had heard. Her Aunt was a scrooge and a the self entitled queen of misers. There was no way that she would gladly welcome Adrian in to the house without having any ulterior motives. “But Aunt…” Diana tried to argue but Emily only pressed her hand and pulled her aside. “Just go in to the kitchen and take care of the soup. I will be right back.” She told Diana, pushing her towards the kitchen and she grumbled under her breath, stomping her feet inside the kitchen. Adrian and Jared both stepped inside the house, feeling glad that they were welcomed warmly and nicely by Emily, who took them straight towards the dining area. “I will bring out a cold liquor. What would you like to have? Champagne or wine?” she asked the two boys, who stared at each other and then shrugged at Emily. “Anything would be nice.” Jared commented and Emily walked inside the kitchen, finding Diana pacing back and forth in agitation. “I told you to look after the soup.” Emily scolded her niece who only groaned in agitation once her aunt was alone with her. “What are you doing? He was leaving why would you invite him back?” Diana cried and Emily simply shook her head back at her niece. “You don’t ask me what I do in my own house.” Emily snapped back at Diana, making her gasp with sheer shock and hurt. “But Aunt… you never invite people like this…” Diana didn’t like the sudden change in her Aunt’s tone and behavior. Over the past few days, Emily had shown full support and care towards Diana, so seeing her change her attitude back to being obnoxious and tough, only pained Diana’s heart. Emily sighed, once she noticed Diana’s tone. “What was I supposed to do? He was here now. I didn’t know who I was inviting over, okay? I told you already that I met with his assistant and I thought that they were two sad boys and when he told me that his boss is a kind man, I decided to invite him over and honestly, I was thinking about setting you up with his boss. I thought it would be cool…” “Seriously?” Diana squinted her eyes at her Aunt, throwing an obnoxious look at Emily, who shrugged. “I told you that I didn’t know.” “Okay fine! you didn’t know. But now that you know. Why don’t you let him go when he was walking away on his own and not just that, you should’ve kicked him out and now instead you want to serve him food that I spent the whole afternoon cooking. Do you even realize how much of a t*****e this is for me, to serve him food?” Diana complained and Emily only shook her head. “I was going to let him walk away but then I stopped him because somehow I couldn’t take it out of my mind that he is lonely.” Emily admitted and Diana pressed her lips shut, having no argument to give in return. “I ran in to his assistant at the grocery store. I had no idea who he was and he told me that his boss distributes food and other edible materials amongst his deserving and underprivileged employees and he himself works hard and at the end of the day he doesn’t have anybody…” “Did his Mom die?” Diana asked and Emily gasped, placing a ahdn over her heart. “He had a mother?” Diana rolled her eyes hard at her Aunt’s question. “Doesn’t everybody?” “No, I mean just like your Mom passed away a while back so I thought…” Emily tried to clear her statement and Diana shrugged back at her. “I get it! I mean, she was alive back then and honestly, she was a very nice woman. Actually, the only person who was ever nice to me. Even at Dad and Venessa’s funeral, she was the one who took care of everything and even asked to go with her but I refused and decided to stay back and asked her for some time. But after that I decided to come to you… so, I don’t know how she would be doing or even if she is alive.” Diana fell in to a state of total silence as she pondered whether Joy was still alive and healthy and if Adrian was down to feeling alone, chances were that Joy was probably gone from the Earth and ascended to the heavens. Because the remaining family that he would have, never loved Adrian anyways and always saw him as a threat and especially with him becoming the CEO they surely must have hated his guts and shunned him out of the family circle. “Jared, his assistant that I ran in to was buying food items in bulk so I set him up with the manager, who is also my friend’s husband, remember?” Emily narrated the whole incident to Diana, who simply nodded as her aunt continued to explain the whole situation to her. “I invited over a random kind hearted man, that I realized deserved better or maybe, yes I was a little greedy that if he turned out to be a good guy, he could marry my niece as well but that was seriously not the only thing I wished to achieve. I just felt bad that he was being so nice towards people, so I just wanted to do one single act of kindness and selflessness.” Diana leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her Aunt. “You are acting too much kind these days.” She pecked her Aunt’s temple and got busy helping her around in the kitchen. “I will start plating the dishes out, you can choose not to eat at the table, if you wish to.” Emily gave Diana the option to skip the dinner and Diana simply nodded, not having decided yet what she would be doing while she continued to dish out and Emily served the dinner to Adrian and Jared. “Wow! Everything looks incredibly delicious.” Adrian commented, once the dinner was served and Emily sat down with the boys to have dinner. Adrian noticed that Diana had refused to join the table and he simply kept his mouth shut, deciding to honor and respect Diana’s choice and decision. As he took one single bite of the lasagna, Adrian couldn’t help but moan in sheer pleasure. “This is really good.” He stated with his mouth full and Jared hummed in response. “Way better than the frozen lasagna that we would be having otherwise.” Jared’s words made both Adrian and Emily laugh out loud. Diana on the other hand, stood by the door of the kitchen, watching through the small opening of the door as Adrian enjoyed the scrumptious meal and smiled out ear to ear. She had never seen him get this happy over something as simple as food. She remembered the way he used to be. Stiff and strict! He never enjoyed such things and only considered them trivial in life. For him, to defeat his cousin and become the CEO was the ultimate and only goal in life and it only made Diana wonder if Adrian was reconsidering life. After he had reached his goal, perhaps and maybe he regrets losing all that, that ever truly mattered and he had started to finally see through a different prespective what really mattered in life. She shook her head and turned back to make some ramen for her cousin Polly, who had texted her earlier that she craved the a spicy bowl of noodles that Diana always cooked for her. Diana looked at the time and noticed that Polly wasn’t home and she usually didn’t stay out that late. She checked her phone and noticed that Polly had texted her about thirty minutes ago, that she was on her way home and usually it took her only twenty minutes to reach home from her private academy but Diana assumed that she may have stopped by on her way to grab some drinks. Diana placed her phone aside, and began cooking for her cousin, until the door to the kitchen opened up and she assumed that it was probably her aunt who had come in. “I am just cooking for Polly, she told me that she would have ramen tonight. I am also actually craving for something spicy. So, you can take the leftovers for tomorrow at the salon and give it to everyone else. I might as well come late to the salon. Have your guests gone?” Diana asked, as she finally turned the stove on, placed her pan with water to boil on the stove and turned to look at the door, expecting her Aunt to be standing in front of her but instead it was Adrian, who held two, sauce smitten, food empty plates in his hands and looked at Diana, presumably lost and not knowing exactly what he was supposed to do at the moment. ------------------------------- I am so happy that you guys waited for an update. It makes me really motivated to keep on going :) Keep commenting and letting me know how you guys are enjoying the story to be. Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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