79.The Surveillance Footage

1269 Words
“I am her older brother! So, you can talk to me and tell me what is going on and what is happening to Polly. Have you gotten any hold of who took her?” Adrian rose the question, attaining the officer’s attention, who simply nodded back at him as began narrating the entire incident to Adrian. “We have recovered the surveillance footage from Ms. Sanchez’s k********g. She seemed to have been targeted and it doesn’t seem like the a case of any regular human trafficking incident.” “How can you say that?” Diana asked, curious about the fact that the officer’s statement mirrored the one that Jared had stated only a few seconds before the police officer walked into the room. “You see, had it been some sort of human trafficking g**g, they would’ve taken her friend along with her as well but they didn’t. in fact, they knocked her unconscious and they took Paulina alone.” The officer than pulled out his phone and showed the footage, where Diana’s heart dropped in her chest. She watched as Polly walked down the street in the lane right behind their house and it only wrenched her guts inside her belly, making bile rise up to her stomach. She noticed the time on the screen in the top left corner and realized that while she was arguing with Emily over wanting to serve Adrian or not, Polly was actually suffering through a bigger problem and even the streets of their own neighborhood was not safe anymore. Polly walked down the street, only a few more steps away from the turn that she would have to take towards her own block. She and her friend, chatted about something as the two talked and her friend remained focused and busy in her own phone. Diana’s fate rattled as she held on to the necklace that she wore, which was a matching one that she was gotten with Polly on her birthday and the two wore that necklace all the time. She closed her eyes and only wished and hoped that her cousin wasn’t hurt and was safe and sane. She then opened her eyes and watched as a grey silver seven seaters van approached the girls from behind and parked right in front of the two girls. Polly was the first one to stop and as she tried to take careful steps back, her friend remained static, who finally looked up over from her phone and noticed the weirdly parked van that unlike Polly she had not noticed sliding in front of them. She only turned back towards Polly, wondering why she was acting so muddled. She then turned around and her eyes widened as well, as she began reflecting the same fear that Polly did. A man in a black mask stepped out of the car and approached the two girls and Polly was the first one to yell at her friend and from the silent street surveillance Diana could only make up that she had told her friend to ‘Run!’ As the two girls tried to sprint away the kidnapper, first attacked Polly’s poor friend, as he caught up to her and hit her within something sharp on the back of her head, that could not be seen clearly through the current resolution and pixels of the footage and Polly held herself back, fear clear all over her face. She yelled out and loud, as she saw her friend slipping down on the floor and she felt horrified that the man had hurt her friend and he wouldn’t spare her either. She noticed that the kidnapper’s attention turned towards her and as he sprinted after her Polly immediately made a run away, all the while screaming for help but even in a safely regarded neighborhood where a school Friday night party is able to get three calls to the patrol police from the neighborhood, miraculously or perhaps, unfortunately, not a single person came out or responded to the cries of the poor girl. Polly continued to sprint forward and had barely reached the farthest end of the street when the kidnapper caught up with her and held her by her waist. The first thing he did was plant his hand firmly over Polly’s face and lifted her off the ground. She was quite skinny and thence an easy lift up for the kidnapper who held her up and off the ground and dragged her back towards his van, where he threw Polly inside the entirely tinted vehicle and slammed the door shut and within seconds the vehicle vanished away. The vehicle held no number plate and that was the reason why it had become so hard for even the police to track that damned car. “As you can see that there was no license or number plate on the car…” The officer spoke up but Jared cut him off. “So… it is hard to track them, we know! But we don’t want such lame excuses. We want the girl back…” Officer said, as he realized that the people whose girl had been kidnapped were no big shot, since he had been called by the captain of his precinct to report right at the house straight away ever since the news of the girl getting kidnapped reached her family. Adrian’s eyes were stuck at Diana’s anxious face and he could tell that the girl was trying and managing extremely hard to hold her tears in. somehow a part of his heart felt obnoxious sick and recondensed that each time in such states and conditions, Diana was always the one who had to act strong. She never cried in front of anybody. Even when her parents died, he remembered it all too well that she wasn’t crying at all at their funeral. She was tacit. When her father used to a***e her, she never showed her pain, scars or wounds to anyone and kept it all in her. He wondered if she had actually ever cried in front of anybody or if anybody had ever seen her break down in tears. However did so… they must had been very close to her. Because at that moment when Diana should’ve been crying and should’ve been in a state of schism, she kept it all together and even though she showed normal signs of anxiety and nervousness, she wasn’t crying in worry of her cousin, which was also a normal reaction. He then turned towards the office, not wanting to prolong the entire scenario and wanted to solve the case as soon as possible before the young girl could get hurt. “Officer, what are the developments so far?” he asked in a firm tone, showing that he meant strict business, as her turned towards the policeman. The officer cleared his throat. “So, far we are expecting the kidnappers to drop a ransom call to Ms. Sanchez…” “We can not wait for them to make a move.” Adrian commented, gritting through his teeth. “I called the commissioner and he told me that the case would be solved by the next hour…” Before Adrian could’ve said another word, Emily came rushing out of the living room, screaming on top of her lungs, as she held her phone in her hands and ran frantically towards Adrian and her niece. “Diana…. I just got a call from the kidnappers!” -------------------------------- I hope you guys are enjoying the book :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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