72. Some Prestigious Guests

1002 Words
Diana stretched her neck out, as she continued blow dry her hair and once she was done, she threw on a casual pair of t shirt and denim shorts, putting on her regular moisturizer and sunscreen. And once she was done with her skin care routine as well, she made her way down the stairs to finish the rest of the dinner that her Aunt had asked her to prepare. Once she was back inside the kitchen, she was surprised to find her Aunt continuing to cook the rest of the meal that she had left to prepare after her shower. “Oh! I was just coming back and down to finish up the rest of the dinner.” Diana informed Emily, joining her back inside the kitchen and Emily only shrugged back as she continued to stir the spatula in the pot. “The soup smells delicious.” Emily complimented, once she had a taste of how scrumptious the soup was. “Oh! I prepared with the usual recipe and I also cooked the lasagna and appetizers, salads and even the brownies for dessert that you asked for.” Diana told Emily and went on to place the brownie batter in to the oven. “Perfect!” Emily chimed with excitement and Diana felt slightly confused, wondering who could be the guest for whom Emily was so excited to present and host a three course meal. Usually, Emily wouldn’t have anybody over her place other than thanksgiving or Christmases and if she had to go all the way to invite any of her friend over, she would have them over for Sunday Brunches and that was it. She never encouraged or enjoyed the idea of having anybody over her place especially for dinners that also during a weekday. So, when Emily called Diana while she was at the salon, looking over matters while her Aunt was running her grocery spree, she told Diana to hand over the matters to Gloria and go straight home and prepare for dinner, they were going to have guest by eight and so far it was around the clock and Diana was left wondering who was showing up. “By the way, you didn’t tell me, who is coming over.” She asked from her Aunt, finally wanting some clarity and Emily shrugged back casually. “Just someone that I met at the grocery store today.” Diana’s eyebrows knitted together as she heard her Aunt’s answer. It was totally and completely unlikely of her Aunt to invite over someone that she would randomly meet. Emily was very particular about who she hung out with and who she had over at her house. She was never the careless one to have someone randomly pop up out of the thin air and so much so more for someone random. What she had asked Diana to prepare was something that they usually did for the very closest of the friends. So, it was completely out of the blue that Emily would spend so much of her time, efforts, money and energy and even compromise on her time at her business just to have someone over for dinner. “Really? So, you just randomly met someone and invited them over? Jeez! Too much for trying to steer clear of serial killers.” Diana snorted and continued to work around the kitchen, all the while Emily kept up the conversation. “No, you don’t have to worry about these people being weirdos. If anything I have seen and judged them through my lens and I know that the people that I have invited over are one of the finest, greedless people on earth. Their heart is pure and full of contentment and more than anything, they would be more than glad to be a part of our dinner table and what the hell are you wearing?” Diana was taken aback by her Aunt’s sudden shift in the conversation and she gawked at her Aunt of a second and then turned back to look down at her attire. “Umm… normal clothes.” She notified her aunt and at the same time, Emily began shaking her head. “Nah Uh! No way you are wearing this. Go ahead and change now and wear a proper dress.” “A dress? Why should I wear a dress? They are your guest and…” “No way you think you won’t be joining the dinner table. Now, go ahead and change right now. The people that are coming over are highly prestigious and high profile people and I want you to be on the best of your behavior and Polly too! Where is she?” “Remember the private academy that she joined? They had some late classes today. She texted me and told me that she is on her way back.” Diana informed her aunt and Emily only dragged Diana out of the kitchen, practically pushing her out and encouraged her to get changed. “Now! Put on some makeup and a pretty little dress.” With that she pushed Diana out of the kitchen and Diana sighed in defeat ready to get changed but stopped the moment the door bell rang. “It must be Polly, can you get the door?” Emily called out from the kitchen and Diana walked through the main foyer and finally opened up the door of the house, without checking the intercom video before opening up and once she did open up the door she was rendered stunned by the man standing right in front of her. Her eyes opened wide with shcok and her lips parted apart a sshe gasped slightly with surprise and called out the name of the man in front of her that had yet once again surprisingly showed up at her door, very smoothly yet involuntarily, as it slipped right through her parted lips. “Adrian…” ------------------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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