80. Any Enemies?

1276 Words
Emily’s phone was placed in tact on the dining table while a single wire was attached to it. The wire ran through a complex system of security attached through three military grade laptops that were left untouched with a security breach system running through them and the final and the fourth laptop was used by a tech expert that sat at one end of the table and worked on the system while a bunch of other officers were spread out across the dining room, each anxious and on their toes, ready to deliver on the gut wrenching scene and make sure to save the girl who had been kidnapped and taken by unknown people. Diana stood next to where Emily was seated right in front of the phone that was placed statis with its screen turned entirely black and reflected the bright lit up crystal chandelier that was hanging right above the dining table. The entire room was bursting with small mumbled and murmurs where the entire operation troop called in by the police was murmuring to each other and discussing how they would execute the operation if things went just according to their predictions. A tall, bald and muscular man in his late forties, wearing a pair of civil clothes with a sky blue polo t shirt and a pair of khaki pants, walked in through the front door of the dining room and Adrian walked right behind him. The man directly approached Emily and cleared his throat, making both Emily and Diana look up at him, who held anxious and noxious expressions on their faces with their hands clasped together for prayers. The two looked right at the Chief City Commissioner, who had came in directly at Emily’s house right after he received Adrian’s call. “Ms. Sanchez, there are a few things that we would like to clarify at the moment.” He asked and Emily looked at him with fear and Adrian immediately stepped ahead and grabbed Emily’s hand, as he perched down on his knees and made sure to sooth the woman’s trembling soul at the moment. “Hey! It is fine. he is just going to guide you through some steps that you would need to do when the kidnappers would call, okay?” he told Emily and Diana kept her gaze in tact at the man, surprised at the polite and kind manner with which Adrian was soothing Emily’s soul and making sure that everything and everyone remained calm without losing their minds in such a horrific and terrible situation. “I am really horrified and frightened…” Emily sighed, as she threw her head down in defeat and Adrian only lifted her head up by patting gently over her shoulder. “No! now come on! Polly would never lose hope and power if she were you. she is such a strong girl and you know it, because she had such an amazing and strong mother. She knows that her mother is powerful and that would keep her going in such a moment. We are certainly sure that Polly is completely fine, so you don’t have to worry about a thing and the reason why so many officers are here is because they are going to make sure that Polly remains okay.” Emily looked around the dining room and noctied for the first time that it was filled with different men. She also realized that she was so drowned in her own grief and worries that she had no idea how everything was kept intact and collected in her entire house and how everyone kept on coming in just to run an operation to save her daughter. Many of them were in uniforms whilst others were in civil dresses, each dressed up according to their job and their duties. Armed officers were obviously the ones in the uniform, who majorly stood by the door ready to take action “First off Mrs. Sanchez, can you tell us what the kidnappers told you when they called?” Emily nodded as she went ahead and answered in a single breath, right away, not wasting even the slightest second to inform the police about the details of the call. “They told me that they have my daughter and that they would soon and again call to ask for money and tell me when and where to drop it if I want my daughter.” “Do you have any enmity with anybody? Or someone you may think can try and cause you any harm?” Emily fell in to a state of taciturnity as she began wondering if there was someone out there who could try and hurt her but Diana was the one who spoke up in defense of her Aunt. “No! not at all. Everyone loved my Aunt! Even her workers at the salon were the ones who had been working for her, ever since she had opened up her own salon and they all love her and cherish her a lot. Nobody leaves or quits only until they want to leave the place. She pays good salaries, always on time and even pays great incentives during holiday seasons. Other than that, we don’t have a very large social circle. She has a small circle and we are all on good and great terms with our neighbors.” The commissioner turned around and looked at his officers, who nodded and cross checked the statement by Diana, that they had also conducted their own investigation around the block over the past few hours and Diana was right that everyone really cherished Emily and her family and held great regard for them. “Hmm!” The commissioner simply hummed and turned to walk away towards his team and Adrian also went ahead and joined him. Emily once again, fell in to her state of depression and only gently pressed Diana’s hand to grab her attention, who was looking keenly at Adrian. Diana turned to look down at her Aunt and Emily only breathed in dejection. “Have you called Phill?” Diana nodded back to Emily’s question and informed her that she had called Phill and filled him in with the vague details of the event. She made sure to keep her voice calm and collected and had only told Phill that Polly had gone missing and it would be better if he would come to Los Angeles as soon as he could. “He is in Chicago at the moment and he told me that he would be getting on the first flight home. So, don’t worry, he is probably on his way. I didn’t tell him yet that Polly is kidnapped and only told him that she had gone missing.” Emily couldn’t help but feel grateful that her niece was a sagacious woman, who didn’t let her husband get too much stressed out, since he would have freaked out more had he known about the k********g and it could have altered his health since he had a small heart condition. Emily went on to sit silently and Diana only looked at Adrian, who discussed some things with the commissioner, as he finally came back and began narrating their research and observations to Emily and Diana. “The good news is that we believe that the k********g is done by a bunch of fonies, who are probably hungry for money and…” Before the commissioner could’ve said another word, the phone began ringing and someone from the crowd yelled, “It is probably the kidnappers!” ------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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