13. Humiliation or Compromise?

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As Diana stared at Adrian, through the intercom and watched him standing his ground by the edge of the walkway, next to him, hidden behind the bushes was Jared, who looked at his boss with curiosity. “Boss? What happened? Nobody opened up the door? Maybe they are asleep and we should come back tomorrow.” He suggested and Adrian groaned under his breath, as he flexed his jaw hard and deep. “They are having a f*****g feast in there and hollering.” “Then why didn’t they…” Jared spoke up and immediately changed his words once he realized that his boss was definitely not in the mood to listen to what he had to ask. “… I mean, they could be screaming with fear?” he suggested and Adrian took in a deep breath as he spoke. “They turned off the mic of the intercom, after I spoke!” Adrian stated in sheer agitation and Jared circled his lips and blew air out of his mouth, realizing how scrutinizing and excruciatingly humiliating it might had been for someone like Adrian to have the mic turned off right in front of him. Jared knew way too well that his boss was someone, for whom people turned the mic on, only to hear him speak and give big and final decisions; he was used to being mattered by the world but having someone turn the mic off to his face, seemed like a huge splash of humiliation being thrown at Adrian. “Boss! I can tell it must be hard for you but come on, even I don’t like hiding like this in the middle of a suburban area, like some sort of burglar but what other option do we have? We have to make sure to get our hands on the girl and keep them on her, unless Mr. Diablo and Mrs. Sarmiento are able to come up with a solution. And if worst comes to worst, you might even have to…” “Don’t even say it!” Adrian grunted at his assistant, not even wanting to consider the horrible option of having to marry Diana, who had been doing nothing but rejecting him at the tip of her tongue. “Boss! Come on! We need her. she doesn’t need us…” “Who would not need me?” Adrian asked Jared, as he pointed towards his handsome attire. “If I walk out and announced that I am looking for a girl just to sleep with, thousands of… no actually… millions of girls would line up…” “Okay! A million girl wouldn’t even know about you, you are just stretching it up now…” Jared mumbled lowly and Adrian smacked the back of his hand over his assistant’s chest. “My point is… many girls would die just to hold my hand. Who the hell does this girl think she is?” “Maybe she doesn’t want to be with you or anyone or perhaps maybe she is a lesbian. But we can only find out through one thing and you know it as well that even if it takes you to cry and beg, you have to make sure that you get your hands on her first. Consider her right now as a price. Imagine if you don’t get her and somehow the news of the stupid will condition gets out and your cousin gets his hands on her, then what would you do? And you know him, you know how cheap your cousin could be. And for a girl, he would do anything. I have seen him on his knees begging to girls, just to get a night with them. Do you think this would be something big for him? just think of it as a competition and go back and ring the bell again.” Jared gestured at the door and Adrian grunted. "Come on! think of it as a compromise. Don't you know how the greatest leaders of the world ever achieved the mark of being called great?" Jared nudged at his boss, who remained indifferent and only groaned even more, knowing that Jared would be able to pacify his anger and appease him, making him give in to his arrogance and keep his ego aside and go ahead and try to persuade Diana again. "But is it really a compromise? Isn't it more like humiliation? I tried to be kind and polite to her and didn't you just see what she did? She is acting arrogant for no reason. How could i even think about her in any way or even act polite towards just a detestable woman? Don't you know how much i loath such women, who act hard to get?" "Come on, think of it as an interesting chase." Jared tried to find ways to pique his boss's interest in the whole situation but Adrian only kept in moaning in distaste. "I... I generate a billion dollar a month. Do you even know how precious every single second and minute of my life is. That's why I prefer... no actually I only am with women who don't beat about the push or waste my time and are always readily available. I like women who can comprehend the sense and agility of this world and value my time and theirs as well. How could I even think about this woman..." he complained like a little child and Jared couldn't help but feel tired by that point as well. "Come on Boss! All the money and precious time of yours would go down the drain and be wasted, including all of the hard work that you have done throughout the last few years. And all of that would go to waste only and only because you couldn't compromise a little. Think of this girl as an investment. She will make you the CEO, right away! You don't even have to worry about your cousin, your uncle or your aunt anymore. You have that girl! Bam! You become the CEO. Now please, please, please... get back there and try and persuade that girl." “Gosh! You are dying to be the head secretary, aren’t you?” Adrian inquired from Jared, looking at him in disgust, mentioning the big post that Jared would be able to achieve as Adrian assistant, if Adrian is promoted to the post of CEO. Jared simply nodded and pulled out his puppy eyes and rubbed his hands together in front of Adrian. “Please… just go back and try to get her number or something. So, that we have a progress.” Adrian grunted in aggression and rubbed his fingers over his eyes, trying to clear away the sense of humiliation he felt at that moment. “Fine!” he announced defeatedly and turned to walk back but paused in his steps when the door to the house opened up and the person who appeared out of the door at a distance from Adrian, stunned him. He watched in sheer surprise, as he witnessed the amazing turn of events. He stood frozen, looking at Diana, who stood right outside the door of the house, finally giving in and ready to face Adrian. ------------------------------- What do you think Diana came out to say to Adrian? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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