You've bewitched me

1057 Words

"Hey." Arabella's eyes flickered away from the screen of her phone to Blaze who was by the door. He stepped further into the room and towards her bed, sitting where he left a few seconds ago, he gazed at her intently. "What?" Arabella asked. She covered her face, conscious of how she looked. A blush crept up her cheek and she grimaced. It was her first time caring about her appearance whilst with Blaze. She never cared if she had bed hair or was in her Pajamas. But now, she wished she was looking her best. "Stop staring at me." She mumbled. Although she didn't see him, she felt his gaze on her. "How do you know I am still staring at you? You covered your face." Blaze said. "It's weird but I can feel the intensity of your stare. Even if I am asleep, I can sense you staring at me."

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