
3025 Words

“I'll kill him. If I thought he was responsible for anyone being taken…” He raised his spanner like an axe, ready to charge off and bludgeon Matt to death there and then. “Finn, you wait here.” His father strode off across the fields, heading for the gate and the lane beyond it, the thresher forgotten. Turnpike Cottage wasn't far away. Finn raced after him. Not quite believing what he was doing, he ran around to block his father's way. “No. We have to be careful.” “To hell with being careful! I'll kill him.” “But if anything happens to him the ironclads will suspect. They'll come here.” “He's not going to get away with this.” Finn was nearly as tall as his father now, although still stick-thin in comparison. Their faces were close together. Finn spoke quietly, almost whispering, alt

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