1990 Words

He tried to squirm his way free. “You just want to hand me over so I can tell them where she is!” “No, no! There's no helping Diane now. They'll take her away to Engn and there's nothing you can do. Did you think you could beat them, boy? Come on. It's you we need to save.” “No!” “Yes!” She dragged him from the lane, making him stumble to his knees. She was surprisingly strong. Behind him, Finn saw a flash of silver as the ironclads appeared round the bend. If he got free now, they would see him anyway. Perhaps if he hid in the Switch House, he could let them pass by and then carry on up to the woods. He stopped struggling, rose to his feet and pushed past Mrs. Megrim, up the spiral path that wound around the low hill. The old woman followed, keeping a tight grip on the wool of his jer

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