Several Hours Later

1420 Words

Several Hours Later. The corner of a den down-stairs, filled by a very comfortable leather lounge. A small light is on each side above, and in the middle, over the couch hangs a painting of a very old, very dignified gentleman, period 1860. Outside the music is heard in a fox-trot. Rosalind is seated on the lounge and on her left is Howard Gillespie , a vapid youth of about twenty-four. He is obviously very unhappy, and she is quite bored. Gillespie : (Feebly ) What do you mean I’ve changed. I feel the same toward you. Rosalind : But you don’t look the same to me. Gillespie : Three weeks ago you used to say that you liked me because I was so blasé, so indifferent—I still am. Rosalind : But not about me. I used to like you because you had brown eyes and thin legs. Gillespie : (Helple

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