The Supercilious Sacrifice

2645 Words

The Supercilious Sacrifice Atlantic City . Amory paced the board walk at day’s end, lulled by the everlasting surge of changing waves, smelling the half-mournful odor of the salt breeze. The sea, he thought, had treasured its memories deeper than the faithless land. It seemed still to whisper of Norse galleys ploughing the water world under raven-figured flags, of the British dreadnoughts, gray bulwarks of civilization steaming up through the fog of one dark July into the North Sea. “Well—Amory Blaine!” Amory looked down into the street below. A low racing car had drawn to a stop and a familiar cheerful face protruded from the driver’s seat. “Come on down, goopher!” cried Alec. Amory called a greeting and descending a flight of wooden steps approached the car. He and Alec had been mee

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