Chapter 15

1608 Words

Althea held the reciever tightly in her hand, her palms were sweaty with anticipation as she waited for someone to pick up the call. She had wasted a good five minutes gathering courage to make a call back home, thoughts were clouding her mind when she entered his office. What would she say? Raina must have already told them about her absence in the school bus. "Hello?" A voice she knew so well said from the other side. Althea almost cried in joy on hearing Alfred's voice. "Dad?" There was silence on the other side for a few seconds, her voice cracked as she continued, "Dad, it's me. Althea." "Althea! Where the hell are you? We have been worried sick!" He scolded from the other side, she felt painful stabs in her heart for lying to him but for the sake of her birth parents she had

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