Chapter 5-1

2102 Words

Chapter 5Wes struggles to get ahold of himself. It’s much harder than it should be. The idea that this is just the beginning, that they have only begun open up to Mica, is one of the things that makes it so difficult. He hadn’t considered what he would feel about all of this. He only thought of Mica. But there it is—it’s happening in his life, and he has feelings and thoughts and fears about it. “Are you going—” But Wes doesn’t hear Ollie anymore. Wes’s head snaps up and, in a blink, he’s running. He can feel Ollie follow him but Wes can’t think. Not now. Somebody is getting closer fast and they’re going to find Mica and Randy first. Wes raises a hand. He focuses and pushes. Branches and weeds automatically move to the side, allowing him to run through the forest easily. But it’s still

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