Chapter 12

3415 Words

Chapter 12 “What the hell…?” The first thing Delmarre became aware of was the pounding in her head. She had been sure that the hangover she’d woken up with that morning when Dale had been in her bed was the worst she could ever possibly have. Now she knew how wrong she had been. This was the headache to end all headaches, bad enough to make her think she was on the verge of actual death. She would have bet good money that it was the feeling of an ice pick being driven through a temple. So not good. To make matters a hell of a lot worse, she was also entirely disoriented. She hadn’t even opened her eyes yet, which meant she had no idea where she was. Where or why. All she knew was the even the idea of getting up from the fetal position she was curled into made her want to throw up. “Wak

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