Chapter 3

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Chapter 3Had Debs really been lying on all the occasions she’d told Kate she loved her? Had she just been stringing her along or had she genuinely felt as Kate did? Had Kate just frightened her off by suggesting a level of commitment Debs didn’t feel capable of, and if so should Kate try to gently win her back and help her to conquer her fears? The level of Kate’s confusion was building to an impossible degree and making her head spin until she was brought out of her reverie by a gentle tapping on the cubicle door. ‘Kate? Are you ok? I’m sorry, I was trying to help, I didn’t mean to upset you.’ Kate exited the cubicle and silently walked to the mirrors to assess the damage. Her eyes were puffy and she had streaks of mascara running down her cheeks so she slowly and carefully washed all of her make up off, leaving her face looking bare, scrubbed and clean. Her skin looked like she felt -- bare and bereft. Lex stood behind her and touched her shoulder gently, looking enquiringly into her eyes in the mirror, trying to gauge her emotions. ‘I have my car outside, can I give you a lift home?’ ‘I’m not sure I want to go home. I’m not sure of much right now. I know you’re trying to help me Lex but is there any chance you’re wrong?’ ‘There’s always a chance but I doubt I’m wrong; Debbie’s relationships tend to follow a pattern that end in disaster as soon as they start to look vaguely serious.’ ‘That figures then, I asked her if we should move in together.’ ‘That would do it.’ ‘Thank you Lex, I’m glad someone had the decency to be honest with me, I just wish it had been Debs.’ They returned to their table in the bar, sipping their drinks in silence as the rest of the punters loudly enjoyed their Friday night. ‘I can only guess how you’re feeling right now, and I don’t want to impose but I wasn’t planning on staying here much longer. I can offer you a ride home, or you’re welcome to come with me if you want? I have a friend who’s just started working in some new place in town, Dusters I think it’s called, and I promised I’d go in tonight and give him some moral support.’ Kate initially declined both offers, pleading the need for solitude, however by the time she’d finished the stiff vodka and orange that Lex had got her she was feeling more defiant again and decided to go with her to Dusters -- after all, she wanted to try the new bar, she’d only be miserable sat at home on her own and she was determined NOT to phone Debs and ask for an explanation. If Debs wanted a boring Friday night in then she could have it, and Kate was going to show her she could have fun without her. On the short drive into town Kate deftly reapplied her make up; both of them laughing when Lex hit a pothole causing Kate to apply blusher to her ear and as she parked the Jeep Lex turned to Kate and pressed a business card into her hand. ‘Kate -- you’re too good for Debbie you know. We all are. She sucks us in and spits us out when she thinks she’s going to have to give something back. Sometimes it’s good to be able to talk to someone who’s been there; my contact details are on the card, if you ever need me just call. Who knows, something good may come of all this -- we might end up good friends.’ And she leant forward and gave Kate a very small, friendly peck on the cheek before climbing out of the car. Kate had misgivings as soon as she entered the bar. It was hot and noisy and crowded and everyone seemed to be shouting just to make themselves heard over the DJ but she resolved to stay for at least 1 drink. She grabbed Lex’s hand as they fought their way to the bar to stop them getting separated and took some comfort from the feeling of Lex’s fingers curled around hers. Lex waved a brief hello to her friend behind the bar but it was instantly obvious that they wouldn’t have time to talk as the bar was way too busy, so Kate bought them a pitcher of cocktail to share and they wandered out across the dance floor looking for somewhere to sit down. ‘You want to dance?’ yelled Lex over a pounding house tune that had the dance floor jumping. ‘Not really, but don’t let me stop you.’ She yelled back, watching as Lex eased her way onto the packed dance floor and started moving with an assured and unselfconscious rhythm. Kate watched her as she danced, and although plenty of people of both sexes sidled up to her and tried to dance with her, she was obviously happier dancing on her own; ignoring their advances as though she didn’t realise they were happening. As the tune reached its crescendo Lex threw her head back, a huge grin on her face and her eyes tightly closed as her body described the beat in perfect synchronicity. Kate couldn’t help noticing that Lex had an awesome body; tall and lean and muscular with breasts that may not be large but were perfectly formed and legs to die for. Kate couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have those legs wrapped around her and got caught staring as the music changed and Lex weaved her way through the crowd to rejoin her. ‘My god, you dance amazingly! You’re incredible to watch!’ enthused Kate. Lex blushed a little but accepted the compliment by tipping her glass toward Kate’s in a silent “cheers”. ‘I like dancing, it’s my way of expressing myself freely and shutting the real world out for a while. I’m pretty hot now though, I think there’s a terrace out the back do you want to go get some fresh air?’ As they worked their way through the writhing crowd of people enjoying their Friday night, Kate started to relax into the easy going atmosphere and chill out. She was glad she hadn’t gone home to sulk on her own and was pleased that she’d made a new friend -- Lex seemed like someone worth knowing. Soon enough the hot and heavy air in the club was replaced with the cooling night air and they found themselves stood in a lovely beer terrace, tastefully decorated with tall potted palms, comfy wicker furniture and soft lighting. It was still early & most people were inside dancing, so they had no problem finding a sofa where they could sit and listen to the music which was more subdued outside. ‘So you go into a bar, rescue a damsel in distress, whisk her away from her troubles and dance like it’s your religion. Is this your usual Friday night routine?’ asked Kate as she topped their glasses up. Lex laughed as she turned to Kate to reply, picking her glass up and swirling the ice with a long finger as she pondered her response. ‘No, I have to say that this isn’t my usual Friday night. If I’m honest I went out tonight on the pull cos I’ve also recently split up with someone and figured it was time to stop moping and get back into the game, but when I saw you and Debbie have your spat in the bar I figured I might be able to help.’ ‘Oh crap! Why didn’t you say something, having me in tow must be cramping your style and can’t be helping your chances much. You do know that there were several people trying to dance with you, don’t you? One of them was gorgeous too!’ ‘Yeah I know but I wasn’t interested. I’ve only seen one person tonight who took my fancy but I think she may need some time before I make my thoughts known to her.’ ‘Well go and talk to her woman! Listen, I can scoot off any time, you’ve really helped me tonight and I have a lot to think about, so why don’t I leave you to it and you can go and get to know her better? ‘I would like to meet up with you again though, maybe I could buy you dinner as a thanks for rescuing me tonight and you can tell me how it went?’ Lex couldn’t help laughing to herself at Kate’s naiveté. She had only noticed Debs and Kate having an argument because she’d been eying Kate up in the pub & was quite annoyed when Debs returned from the bar & she realised they were together. Still, she didn’t think tonight was the best time to make a play for Kate, the poor girl was only just coming to terms with her break up and Lex had to acknowledge that she could be wrong about the situation. For all she knew Kate might be about to go home and have great make up s*x and be off the market again, so she decided to play it safe for now and hold her thoughts in check. ‘I don’t think I’m up for playing the field tonight now, how about I give you a lift home before I drink too much to drive and you can give me a call about dinner?’
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