Chapter 1

178 Words
Chapter 1‘I don’t know about you but I’m ready to get out of here, this place has really started to lose its appeal since Janet left.’ ‘I waited an hour for you to get ready, we’ve been here 20 minutes and now you want to leave?’ ‘Yeah well, like I said since the bar changed hands it doesn’t seem the same.’ ‘So where would you rather go? How about Jingles, or maybe that new place over on Church Street, I hear they’re selling cheap cocktails as an introductory offer.’ ‘Nah, I think I’ll just go home.’ ‘Do I at least have time to finish my drink?’ ‘You don’t have to come with me you know, if you like this place so much you stay and enjoy yourself, I’m perfectly capable of entertaining myself you know!’ ‘Jesus Debs, what’s got into you? You’ve been acting like a bear with a sore head for weeks, why won’t you talk to me about whatever it is babe?’ ‘Oh for god’s sake give it a rest, I’m sick of your whinging! I’m going home -- ON MY OWN, you do what you like!’ And with that Kate watched her girlfriend down her gin and tonic, grab her jacket and head out of the door.
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