7. Motions

2405 Words

Phoenix, Arizona The Same Day “Is it okay if I put you on speaker? Robin’s also in the room,” Carl asked. “That’s fine,” Marissa said. “I’m calling because the plaintiffs’ counsel filed a couple of trial memorandums this morning and the judge wants us to file our responses later today so we can argue them after the jury is dismissed. I need you guys to draft the responses. Lydia has copies of the trial memos and can get them to you.” Carl checked his computer and noticed Lydia had already emailed him the trial memos. “We’ve got them,” he told Marissa while letting Robin know she was also copied on the email. “Good. The most important trial memo is the motion to exclude Hank Richardson’s testimony. He’s both an accident reconstructionist and a biomechanical expert. They’re not challen

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