1. Isabela

2006 Words
Isabela, Puerto Rico Present Day As the innumerable trees swayed with the Caribbean winds, the Regal Isabela Resort seemed ominous. The spectacular views of the Atlantic were unmatched because the resort was located high above the ocean floor. A unique hideaway in Puerto Rico, the Regal Isabela was well known for its championship golf course hugging the rocky promontory cliffs lining the island’s northern shore. Nature lovers also enjoyed the innumerable local birds who nested there. But what drew high-end customers to the resort was its Spanish architecture framed in palm trees and colorful tropical flowers. Every building and casita was constructed with brownish-grey stones and topped with clay roof tiles imported from Spain. It felt like home, inviting and relaxing. For Daniel Mendoza, the resort would be his home away from home for the next week as he attended the resort’s tenth anniversary celebrations. After exiting the black limousine, Daniel strolled toward the main building to check-in. “Buenos dias, Caballero. Welcome to the Regal Isabela,” the male attendant beamed during his greeting. “How may I help you, Mr. Mendoza?” Buenos dias, CaballeroAlthough initially shocked he was instantly recognized because he’d never patronized the resort before, Daniel remembered Gerald Ravan, the resort’s corporate attorney, must have informed the staff of his imminent arrival because the corporation was paying his tab. The Regal Isabela was owned by the international hotel chain, The Regal Wisteria, headquartered in Tokyo. Mr. Ravan, a long-time client of the Mendoza law firm, arranged for the resort to pay for Daniel’s flight to the island from Arizona, the stretch limo that greeted him at the Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in San Juan, and, of course, the luxurious accommodations as well as all meals and activities throughout his stay. Daniel was relieved he could finally relax after his recent, grueling royalty litigation where several witnesses, attorneys, and even the federal judge were murdered to hide his client’s poor financial condition. Even Daniel could have been a potential victim but escaped with his life. Now, the tragedy was all behind him. Daniel only wanted to get away from the dreary reminders in Arizona and focus on a lackadaisical vacation where all festivities were planned for him and he only needed to relax, soak in the sun, and enjoy five-star-rated meals. Regretting his new-found relationship with Corina wasn’t as close where she would have accepted an invitation to accompany him on this trip, Daniel traveled to his homeland alone somewhat forlornly. It wasn’t the first time he vacationed in Puerto Rico alone. It probably wouldn’t be the last. “I’m checking in by…by myself,” he reluctantly responded to the attendant with a half-hearted smile. After all, he was appreciative of the resort’s hospitality and didn’t want to seem ungrateful. “Understood. We have you booked for casita number seven. It has an exquisite, ocean view and is located in the front row of the resort.” The attendant handed Daniel a magnetic key card and a cerulean blue wristband. “Put that on. You’ll need it around the premises, so security knows you’re our guest. It will also allow you to attend the celebrations.” Daniel complied. “Your luggage will be waiting for you in the casita,” he continued while double-checking his computer to ensure the key card was active. The attendant pointed towards the door to his right. “A golf cart is waiting to drive you to the casita. Just let us know if you need anything during your stay. We’d be happy to arrange any special activities just for you at the resort’s expense, of course.” “Thank you. I’m very pleased to be here,” Daniel said as he walked to the door with a kick in his step. The driver handed him a refreshment as Daniel scooted into the golf cart. The whirl of its electric motor propelled the golf cart along the pathway through the first set of casitas. It then rounded the corner away from the pool area on a larger pathway in front of the second set of casitas facing the ocean until the golf cart reached the third casita from the right, nestled lower into the mountain than the surrounding ones. Daniel tried to hand the driver a tip which was politely declined. “No, thank you,” the driver said with a strong Puerto Rican accent. “Mr. Ravan has taken care of everything. There’s no need.” As the golf cart headed back to the main building, Daniel walked into the casita, relieved the long journey was finally over. The dark wood flooring matched the two sturdy bookcases to the entrance of the bedroom as well as the heavy wood doors and the king-sized poster bed. Daniel was used to lavish rooms at the various hotels he’d stayed in owned by the Regal Wisteria throughout the world. But the Regal Isabela was the first posh hotel on the island owned by the corporation. He was pleasantly surprised at its grandeur and elegant design. Daniel took another sip of his refreshment before setting the glass on a wooden table. He walked to the closet to pull out his luggage only to find out all of his formal clothes were hung up and his casual clothes were neatly placed in the dresser drawers. After finding his swim trunks, Daniel changed, grabbed a beach towel, and walked outside to the terrace so he could dip into the plunge pool. Placing his towel on the chaise lounge, Daniel was startled when he heard the female voice of the private investigator his law firm regularly retained. “Look at you. It’s about time you arrived. I’ve been waiting for you,” Pamela Williams said as she waded in the plunge pool, her long blonde hair tied into a ponytail. “Not again!! I can’t believe you’re here,” Daniel declared as he briefly clenched his teeth wondering how Corina would feel if she learned another woman was with him on vacation. He finally relaxed after realizing it wasn’t as dire as he originally thought. Pamela was a lovely woman, two decades his junior, but they worked well together professionally. Corina would understand it’s just business, he reassured himself. Corina would understand it’s just business“Don’t give me that. I know you’d rather not be alone in this lovely casita.” Pamela splashed some refreshing pool water on Daniel in a playful way, hoping to ease the tension. He joined her in the plunge pool and sat beside her. He took a deep breath and soaked in the views as the sun began to set. “To be honest, I know I need time alone to decompress but after…you know… after all that’s happened, I’m not sure being alone will make things better.” Daniel was worried his mind would relive the experiences again and again if he wasn’t distracted. “I’m really glad you’re here, Pam.” A beaming smile graced Daniel’s lips. He looked around because he wanted to make a toast but forgot he didn’t bring his glass with him. “I knew you wanted me,” she chuckled. “We can order some champagne if you like. Room service should be here any moment. I ordered you the chew…chew….” “Chuletas fritas,” Daniel interrupted. Chuletas fritas“Yeah, the fried pork chops. You know what I meant,” she explained. “Rumor has it you wanted to order them when you got here.” Initially pleased Pamela was thinking ahead, it suddenly dawned on him, “How did you know what I was…. Never mind.” With an even bigger grin, Pamela simply ignored Daniel’s question and gazed over the rolling hills toward the azure waters of the Atlantic. She knew Daniel would one day figure it out. Just not today. She only wanted to enjoy their brief quiet time together before the food arrived and Daniel’s mind was distracted with sustenance and daily living. Daniel got the hint and drew closer to the edge of the plunge pool facing the ocean. He temporarily dipped his head underwater to cool himself down from the Caribbean’s warm climate and shook his head as he arose, spraying water in the air. Daniel was accustomed to the tropical humidity having vacationed in Puerto Rico every year for the past decade. Being here made him feel exhilarated. Pamela could see it in his eyes and his demeanor. Gone were the deep contemplative thoughts about legal strategy and worries about an opponent’s nefarious machinations to obtain an advantage. Gone were the endless meetings with clients, new and old, both in person and over the computer to address some newfangled issue. Gone were the interpersonal squabbles with staff and attorneys where Daniel played interference to resolve any disputes and keep the cog of his boutique defense firm going without a hitch. Right now, it was just the two of them together. Not in a romantic way. At least not yet. It was good for this duo who worked closely over the years to just hang out and relax without any expectations. Disturbing the serenity of the moment, an attendant approached from the side of the terrace pushing a cart. Two stainless steel plate covers protected their meals. ‘Buenos noches, Señor y Señora Mendoza,” the attendant said while placing their food on the patio table opposite the plunge pool. He also set down a bottle of champagne, utensils, and linen napkins. Buenos noches, Señor y Señora MendozaPamela and Daniel slowly eased out of the pool. “Gracias,” Daniel expressed while drying himself with the towel. GraciasPamela raised the plate cover. “Looks delicious.” The aroma of shrimp and dorado wafted in the air. “My dinner smells good. I’m sure you’re jealous,” Pamela cajoled as she watched the water drip down his body. She resisted expressing her thoughts. “Bueno provecho,” the attendant declared while exiting the terrace and walking along the outside of the casita. Bueno provechoDaniel sat down to eat. Pamela joined him. As Pamela expected, Daniel was focused on eating the meal and enjoying the lush surroundings. After eating several slices of pork, Daniel broke the silence. “Isn’t your job going to miss you while you’re here?” he asked while scooping up a hefty morsel of mashed malanga which was reminiscent of mashed potatoes but made with a local root vegetable instead. malanga“Virginia and George are holding down the fort. They’re used to it now that I’m not working as much. You know…I’m spending more time with my dad.” “How is your dad?” Daniel wondered. “He has his good days and his bad days. But overall, he’s doing better.” Pamela wanted to change the topic but was appreciative of Daniel expressing his concerns about her father’s well-being. “Who’s holding down the law firm while you’re on vacation?” Pamela inquired. She knew the answer already but also enjoyed the lighter conversation… “John and Marissa as usual. After all, they are the senior associates at the firm. They’re in court today for a wrongful death trial. l should be there with them since I’m the partner on the case and the client is expecting me to try it.” Daniel became worried but then it clicked. “Who am I fooling? The client is Regal Wisteria. They’re paying for all this and know I’m here instead of in court on their behalf.” Daniel relaxed even further at the self-revelation. “Nice!” Pamela exclaimed although she was already aware of the arrangement. Daniel told her before the trip but had apparently forgotten. Other things were obviously on his mind. “How are you and Corina doing?” “We’re…well, we’re…” Before Daniel could finish, loud yelling came from the adjacent casita, startling both of them. The sound of smashing dishes followed.
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