
120 Words
1. Isabela 2. Restrained 3. Voir Dire 4. Tossed 5. Inquiry 6. Opening Statements 7. Motions 8. Needs 9. Interviews 10. Darkness 11. Cross-Examination 12. Return 13. Memories 14. Playa 15. Darkness Twofold 16. Forensic Pathologist 17. Delirium 18. Motion Day 19. Office 20. Corina 21. Dinner 22. Copas 23. Widow 24. Out Of Order 25. Renewal 26. Realization 27. Airline 28. Hospital 29. Team Up 30. Negotiations 31. Confession 32. Driver 33. Video 34. Highway 18 35. Closing Argument 36. Cell Phone 37. The City of Fog 38. Interruption 39. One 40. Illness 41. Decision 42. Threats 43. Informed 44. Chase 45. Crash 46. Continuance 47. Courtroom 48. Chambers 49. Dismissed 50. Discussion About the Author Bibliography Dear Reader
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