The Event

2144 Words

The EventIt was ten days more before all was ready for the event. On that day, the sun rose to a beautiful blue sky, just a few wisps of cloud. The way was set: each guest arrived at the gate to the freshly-cleaned stables. They signed in, checked in their jackets and weapons, then each party was assigned a guard of three. The guard escorted them past horses and stalls decorated with black and white ribbons and strewn with sweet-smelling herbs, then through to my budding gardens. There a line of hors d’oeuvres and drinks wound around as they strolled. Groups formed as those in the garden stopped to chat, to drink, to admire the flowers. The men guarding them allowed them to do so without hurry. We wanted to see them relaxed. A walk of finely-hewn boards with black velvet rope raised wi

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