Author's Note

223 Words
Hi, readers! This is my 5th story and I hope you'll enjoy and support this one too! "Forcing the Billionaire" is a steamy billionaire story. It is a story that will dig deep into the idea of love, infatuation, lust, and relationship. This is composed of dark and erotic scenes. Read at your own risk. Note: This story is not made for young readers/minors. If you're not into stories with mature content, this one is not for you. The plot, characters, and events mentioned in the story are all fictional. This is the story wherein I, the writer, plotted this book without limiting my creative imagination. If you read my previous stories, all of them are written with restrictions and limitations. Hence, expect that there may be chapters that you won't get comfortable with or may misunderstand how you'll interpret the story. Again, this is a steamy story with matured content. This Author's Note already serves as a warning. What my story implies to young readers should not be the Author's liability. Again: This story is not for minors. I hope to read your thoughts in every chapter that I'll upload. It helps me understand your view to my story and it feels me connected to my readers. Hope you enjoy the ride. Thank you! ----- Forcing The Billionaire by: Joanne Cristel ©2022
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