Chapter 12

1228 Words
Hyko's POV “She’s coming~,” Clyver says in a sing sang tone. I frowned. We went here to the bar to have a break from our busy schedule but I did not expect to see her here. I spent the last hours in this place watching her drink with her friends while men are attempting to make a move on her. Good thing she knows how to say ‘no.’ “Ma’am, you’re not allowed here. This is a VIP—” “I am also from a VIP table,” she argued. I can sense in her voice how drunk she is. One of my guards tried to block but I raised my hand to stop him. “See?” she proudly says. Tss. I just don’t want them touching her. I take a sip of my drink. In the sides of my eyes, I can see her walking toward us. “Hi!” My brows frowned when she almost fell to the ground. She instinctively held onto Clyver’s shoulder for support. “Woah! Careful, Ari!” The jerk wraps his arm on the waist of my girl and smirked at me. I glared at him. Irritation rises inside of me. I placed down my glass and let Clyver motion Ari to sit beside me. She’s obviously drunk. She leaned toward me and tilts her head as she watched me watch the scene in front. “I’ll leave you two,” Clyver announced. He even hit my shoulder with his fist. I want to give him a middle finger but Ari is watching. Even if she’s drunk, I don’t want her to witness such things. Her swaying body made her almost fall on my lap. D*mn it! I caught her before she fell. She held onto my arm and help herself sit properly on her sit. “I like your arm… It’s hard,” she chuckled while caressing my arm. “You’re drunk.” I pulled her closer to me to help her support her weight. Her strawberry scent devoured my nose. I stared at her whole face. I have always seen her from afar, but never this close. Her natural copper hair always got me. In the pool of black, blonde, and fake hair dyes, hers is so unique... rare, just like her. Why the hell did she let herself drunk? I am watching her since the moment I saw her step foot in this bar. She was casually drinking at their table and turned down her friends’ when offered a dance. I saw several men trying to talk to her but she did not give any of them a chance. Good thing she did it because I will certainly march to their table if she let any man touch her. “Marry me,” she said in a drunk tone. Her lips are giving me soft kisses on my neck. I gulp and gripped my fingers around my shot glass. If she’ll continue this, I don’t know how this will end. My jaw clenched. What if she went to other men and this is how she’ll act? I will f*cking raise hell! The thought of him asking random men inside this place is making my head hurt. I gently pull her away from me. I can’t think clearly if she’ll continue invading my personal space. However, her weary eyes and drunk smile are pulling me closer to her. Her fair skin matches perfectly with her copper hair. Among the crowd, with her beauty and graceful moves, she can effortlessly turn the heads of men around her. I tuck some hair strands behind her ear. I notice her legs are a bit spread widely. I reach for her far leg and press them together. She’s wearing a dress whose length is not favorable to me. Tss. If she’s my girl, I’ll let her wear whatever she wants to wear but I will be her f*cking tail. I don’t care if it annoys her. Before anyone can feast on her, they should first say hello to my fist. At the near table, I can see a guy staring at her. It made my insides boil in anger. Can’t he see I’m with her?! I leaned closer to Ari and I move my hand in her inner thighs, enough to make this f*cking boy avoid his gaze from us. Yeah, you’re right. She’s mine. “I don’t marry girls who let themselves get drunk in a place full of strangers,” I whisper in her ears. Sober up first and I’ll be the one who will kneel with a box of a ring in my hand. I can sense her sniffing my neck. Suddenly, she pushes me away. I was a bit surprised by how she acted. It looks like the Ari I know finally came back to her body. “Get away from me! I don’t like the way you smell.” What? This is my usual perfume. I often receive compliments on how I smell. How come she doesn’t like it? Should I change my perfume? I look at her. She’s still in her drunk state. I do not know where this thought came from, but out of a sudden, I felt a hollow space in my stomach. What if she’s sensitive to smell because she’s pregnant? “It’s probably your drink,” I said—more of convincing myself than explaining to her. If she’s pregnant, then why is she here? I know the reason why she asked to marry me is for the sake of their company. But if it is because more than that—if she’s pregnant—then I am more than willing to be the father of her child. My guess was confirmed when she suddenly straightens her back. Her face looks bright under the dim neon lights of the bar. “You smell nice!” she enthusiastically utters. I frowned. “Where are your friends? You’re already drunk.” She’s really drunk. She asked me what my perfume is minutes after she told me she doesn’t like the way I smell. A groan escaped from my lips when her body fell on my lap. She’s laughing for no specific reason. I hate it when she acts this way. I know she’s liberated. I am a witness to her sneaky escapades in high school. As much as I try getting her away from trouble, she was really hard-headed. The image of her with Athan Macneil randomly making out on the school campus invaded my mind. “Are you this desperate? Because I rejected your offer, you’ll act drunk and throw yourself at me?” I raise a brow. “Come again?!” I can sense the irritation in her voice. Yeah, that’s right. This is Ari. The strong, intimidating girl and not the drunk, vulnerable desperate girl minutes ago. “Leave. You’re drunk. Stop making a scene here.” I said without stuttering. Although I didn’t mean it, she did what I said. “Don’t worry. I’ll leave. I don’t want to marry you anyway.” The moment she stands on her seat and walks back swaying at their table, I regret what I said. ----- Forcing The Billionaire by: Joanne Cristel ©2022 ----- Note: Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. Thank you!
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