Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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My heart is hammering fast and loud. Given my distance from Hyko, I’m afraid he might hear the beating of my heart. “Mr. Frantz?” I turn to face Lowen. He stands in his seat and faces the two of us. Hyko’s hand is still on my arm. I’m trying to free myself from him. He did loosen his grip but did not completely free me. “Do you two know each other?” he asks again. “U-Uhm—” “We have to go.” Hyko cuts me off. When I turn my head to him, he’s eyes are all darted to Lowen. Lowen faces me, confused. I smile awkwardly at him and harshly free myself from Hyko’s hold. I silently clear my throat and try to compose myself in front of Lowen even though I can sense Hyko’s glare at me from behind. What the f*ck is he doing here? “L-Lowen—” “Hyko Frantz.” My brows furrows when Hyko offered his hand. To my surprise, Lowen excitedly accepts it. “Yes, Mr. Frantz. I know you. No one in the business industry does not knows your family… Lowen Cujengco.” Lowen accepted his hand. Is it just me or do I notice how Hyko quickly releases his hand right after one firm hand shake? I raise a brow. I totally forgot his influence in business. Of course, Lowen Cujengco knows him and his family. Who wouldn’t? They are the Frantz. His great grandfather, grandfather, father, and he are all on the top 10 list of richest people in the world. “We’ll leave now.” His firm voice screams finality. I look at him and glare. He’s ruining my plan! “I’m sorry Mr. Frantz, but I and Mr. Cujengco have an ongoing meeting. You can leave if you want.” I give him my fakest smile. He rejected me a couple of times. I even throw my dignity away by begging him to accept my offer. But what did he do? I know I am desperate but he made me feel a hundred times more desperate and pity myself. “You can join us, Mr. Frantz.” My eyes widen at what Lowen has said. What?! I know how influential Frantz is. I certainly understand how business people flock on their family’s feet. I’ve seen it numerous times because even my parents tried to get their attention. But Lowen Cujengco…? His action earlier means he understands what I am offering in exchange for his help. How come he still invites this guy over? “Ms. Levrinne, as we all know, has some problems with their company. I think we can both help her. You know… we can… share…?” He smirks. He even tilts his head and raises his brow, as if he’s telling Hyko it is a great idea to… share me?! My jaw dropped. What? Did I hear it wrong? Is it what I’m really thinking? What am I, a f*cking object that they can both use? I swallow the lump in my throat. I never felt this low before. Imagine how he can talk about it in front of me without filtering his mouth. I want to run away from the two of them, but I don’t have the courage to do so. I feel like my feet are both glued to the ground. Before the thought can fully sink into my mind, my hand flew to cover my mouth. “Oh my gosh!” Everything happens so fast. I did not dare look at Hyko who was standing behind me. To my surprise, he is now in front of Lowen, grabbing his collar. Lowen was caught off guard, making him fall back on his seat. If I observe it correctly, they have the same height. But when it comes to their physique, Hyko’s body is a bit bulkier than Lowen's. “M-Mr. Frantz—” “I don’t share what’s mine, Mr. Cujengco.” I froze. I am not sure if it is because of his cold voice or his words. But either way, none of us was able to move. Hyko’s low and dangerous voice envelope the place. In my peripheral vision, I notice some staff walking toward us. The customers near us are also eyeing our direction. “Hyko…” I call. I reach for his arm and pull him away from Lowen. “Hyko, please?” Two of my hands are already grabbing his arm. This time, he look at me. I almost let go of his arm when I see how angry he is. His eyes are bloodshot and his brows are in a straight line. If I do not know him, I will think he can hurt me. Luckily, when the staff arrive at our table, Hyko decided to let go of Lowen. He harshly pushes him down on the chair, making a loud cracking sound in the place. Lowen looked surprised. He was not able to defend himself nor speak. Even I was shocked by what Hyko did. “S-Sir… is everything alright?” The staff looks constipated when he faces Hyko. From Hyko’s expression, he looks like he is ready to breathe fire. Before he can do so, I reach for his elbow and gently pull him to catch his attention. When he looks at me, I can see red in his eyes. He is very angry. I just don’t understand why. Maybe because he knows what I am up to? But I went to him several times to ask for his help! And he doesn’t want to lend a hand. What am I supposed to do? Let our company sink deep? “L-Let’s go, please?” His eyes remained on me. I bite my lower lip, afraid of how he might react. “Let’s leave,” he coldly utters. It isn’t a question… more like a command. I gulp and slowly nod my head. I throw a glance at Lowen and look at him apologetically. Nonw of the staff dare to stop us. I bet they know who I am with. Hyko wraps his arm around my waist. He did not bother answering the staff as he motion me towards the exit. I do not want to disturb the customers and staff so I go with him quietly. I’ll just message Lowen about what happened and apologize. This is messed up! “Get in.” Hyko opens the passenger seat of his sports car. I don’t know if this is because we are now far from him creating a scene, but I do not know where I found the courage to glare at him. This time, I shove his arm from my waist. “I have my own car.” “I know. Get in.” Irritation is building inside of me. Why am I expecting this to be different? Since then, he doesn’t listen to me. He doesn’t listen to anyone else! “I’ll go on my own.” I roll my eyes at him and turn my back. I manage to make a couple of steps but he grabs my wrist. I was easily pulled like a spring and hit his broad chest. I lift my head and glared at him. “What?!” “Let’s talk about your f*cking offer. I couldn’t bear seeing you meeting random men and offering yourself.” ----- Forcing The Billionaire by: Joanne Cristel ©2022 ----- Note: Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. Thank you!
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