Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 The night was dark and still as Alain entered L’Bruko Park from the eastern side. Leone had two major moons, the largest being more than half as bright as Earth’s moon. Both satellites were above the horizon now, but their glow was hidden by a thick overcast that threatened rain momentarily. A cool, damp wind blew into Alain’s face as he walked, and he tightened his cloak around him. It was not the sort of night when he enjoyed being outdoors, but he was pressed for time and could not be choosy. As he walked, he slipped one hand into the inside pocket of his cloak, closing his fingers around the smooth plastic of his z-beamer. The weapon was a comforting weight in his grip. He had little fear of muggers—Port Mombarra’s population was not yet so densely packed that its crime ra

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