Band of Rogues

1322 Words

(Cameron) I’m not sure what I’m looking for exactly, but I’ll know when I see it. If I see it. I’ve spent hours in my office every day, reviewing security footage. The cameras aren’t hidden, any smart criminal would know what to look for, but they would make a mistake. They always do, and when they do I would be watching. There was nothing to say that this had to do with anyone in the pack, but there were far too many people for me to know them all personally. I felt like I was always a step behind the past few months. A feeling I hated, and I would rectify by being at least a step ahead. Gamma- rogues! Where? I stiffen, heading out of the office Western border, foot of the mountain How many? The link cuts off. “S.hit.” I take off running Gamma, we’re under attack near the gate

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