Girls Night

2548 Words

(Jackson) I paused for a second and looked at Cam trying to read his face, anger flashed across it contorting his features. “We know, Lucas. You okay, man?” I was worried, did he hit his head? Was he in an accident? “No, no guys listen to me. I found my actual mate. My true mate. I don’t know who the f.uck Brandi is but she's not it.” I take a breath trying to take this in. “Where is Brandi now?” Lucas asks. S.hit. “Luna.” S.hit. Cam bolts into a run, faster than I’ve seen him before, I barely catch up to him in time pulling him to a stop feet away from the cottage. “Cam, pull yourself together.” “But, Isla, Abigail.” His eyes dart back to the cottage behind me. “I know, but we can’t blow it. Anderson is around the premise anyways." But I doubt he would be looking for internal

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