Chapter 3: New Alpha

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Alaric: That night was going to be the first full moon of the month and the night that I would take over the role of Alpha from my father. For some reason I didn’t feel nervous, I had worked so hard for it over the years and at the age of nine I had to give up my childhood and in a way, I had to give up Thea. I thought back to the previous night when after 7 years I saw her for the very first time and how the mixed feelings overwhelmed me, happiness, sadness, fear, confusion and then there was something else… Something I had never thought could happen... I felt attracted to her. She had the most beautiful hazel eyes, amber yellow surrounded her pupils while olive green filled the rest of her iris’s, almost like an ombre, she had freckles that sprinkled over the bridge of her nose and across the top of her pale cheeks and then there was her hair. Long curls, which were auburn and shimmered the most stunning copper colour under the light. She was still small and clearly still hated being called Pixie, she had earned that nickname from me because of how mischievous she was and because she would always walk around in bare feet, no matter the weather and no matter where, she chose not to wear any shoes or socks and then... then she was a woman, gone was that little girl who I always felt the need to protect, and in her place was a princess that I was destined to protect. My phone started buzzing, and the sound of it vibrating against the wood of my bedside table drew me away from my thoughts and memories. I picked it up and swiped my finger across the screen, bringing it to life and revealing the text message from my soon to be beta, Elias. ‘After the ceremony and the pack run, the boys are planning a party to celebrate… should I invite Thea?’ I thought about what he had asked and wondered whether it would be a good idea. No doubt everyone had been planning on getting drunk and things got a little bit wild when we all got together especially for parties and considering she had been in boarding school for 7 years, I doubted she had even had a sip of alcohol. ‘I’m not sure, I don’t know if she is into that sort of thing… it might make her feel uncomfortable.’ Within minutes, my phone buzzed in my hand, and Elias had messaged back. ‘Dhalia just said that Thea could probably drink half of the guys under the table, I think we should invite her.’ I frowned at the message, a bit surprised at the response i had gotten. Thea? Drink half of the guys under the table? She was far too innocent for that sort of thing. I put my phone back down and made my way over to my bathroom. It was time to get ready to become an Alpha. Thea It was 7pm and nearly time for Alaric’s Alpha initiation ritual, and everyone stood around in their traditional clothing. The unmarried girls over the age of 18 wore a white flowy pixie dress, which meant that the alpha could bond with any of them the moment he gained his powers... and I happened to be one of those girls, which felt a little awkward. The married women of the pack would wear a brown Celtic dress, and the men were all wearing a white breathable top and brown three-quarter length trousers. “He is coming.” Dhalia whispered into my ear before grabbing hold of my hand. I turned my gaze away from the people who were talking amongst themselves and watched as Alaric took his place in the middle of a circle of rocks. The rocks had been embedded in the ground for hundreds of years. This is where every new Alpha would stand in order to receive his powers from the old Alpha. It symbolised the full moon. I looked at my friend and admired his bravery. There wasn’t fear in his eyes, just determination. He really would make this pack an excellent Alpha. We were all so lucky. Before long, Alaric was joined by Kane, who looked at his son with pride, and he was followed by an elder, Elias and Elias’s father, Kanes Beta wolf. “Time to join hands.” Dhalia whispered, her hand tightening around mine. “The whole pack will join hands and create a circle around the old Alpha and the new one. Be prepared for the unexpected. It will not be a nice experience for Alaric.” I looked at my friend with concern. What did she mean it wouldn’t be a nice experience for him? I had never seen anything like it as I was sure that the other pack members who were as young as I hadn’t either, but I felt as though I should have learnt about the process a little more. I hated the fact that I had been hidden away. There was so much I should have learnt… I should have been taught. I turned to look at the wolf on the other side of me and nervously took his hand. He looked at me with a strange look and glanced down at our hands, he could clearly feel how sweaty my hands were and if he was using his werewolf hearing, he would have been able to hear my racing heart. I looked back over at Alaric, and our eyes met. Now he looked scared. He continued to look at me, and I studied his eyes. What was it I was seeing? Sadness, concern, fear? I offered him an unsure smile and bowed my head slightly. ‘You will be okay; it will all be okay.’ I thought, wishing I could tell him this myself. I looked back up and watched the elder stand forward. He looked down at the scroll in his hand and cleared his throat. “Tonight, is the night that our pack welcomes it’s new Alpha, Alaric Jacob Hemming. Under the gaze of the Goddess Selene, he will promise to be a loyal Alpha who puts his pack and Luna before everyone and everything, making sure that you all prosper and succeed. With his blood, he will sign this scroll as his father, grandfather, and ancestors did with theirs. May the initiation begin.” The elder moved away from Alaric and Kane and joined a group of other elders in the circle, and then it began. I watched as Kane circled his son before turning into his incredible black wolf, which I had never seen before. The wolf, although the biggest I had ever seen, looked old and tired, but his responsibility at hand overrode it all. He walked a few yards away from his son and bared his teeth at him, Alaric took this as a message to kneel to the floor and bow his head out of respect for his father. Within seconds, the large black wolf ran towards his son and pounced, baring his fangs. He latched them onto Alaric’s left shoulder, and a sudden gust of wind knocked into them both. I watched in awe as a glow of red lifted from Kane’s wolf and began to swirl around each and every one of us before making its way over to Alaric. The red glow hovered over him for a second before snaking into his mouth, and that’s when I heard it, the scream of excruciating pain. My eyes widened as Alaric violently thrashed around in the circle, clawing at his own flesh as the Alpha powers took effect. I glanced at Dhalia with panic and felt an overwhelming urge to run over to Alaric, but she squeezed my hand in a silent plea for me to stay where I was. Alaric climbed onto his hands and knees, seemingly still trying to override the pain when each and every bone in his body began to crack and extend. I had seen him shift before, and it was nothing like that, so what in the world was happening? “His wolf is also now an Alpha; he too will go through his own transformation. Alaric is shifting as an Alpha for the first time, but this time, his wolf is much bigger than normal. Try and resist the urge to run to him. With the pain he is in right now, he could end up killing you.” Dhalia said, leaning into my ear. Clearly, my racing heart was giving me away, but everything in my being was telling me to run to him. I watched in shock as Alaric began to shift into a large golden wolf, his fur matching Alaric’s hair, and his icy blue eyes met mine. I couldn’t fight it anymore. I took a step forward and yanked my hands away from Dhalia and the man who had been holding on to me, and I ran as fast as I could over to Alaric. I fell to my knees in front of him and watched as the stunning gold furred wolf towered over me, taking in my scent like an animal does before devouring the flesh of its prey. I lost my balance and fell backwards, landing on my back and hitting my head on to the earth beneath me. I cried out in pain and felt as Alaric’s wolf stood over my body. Our faces were practically touching, and his eyes met mine. He truly was a beautiful wolf. I slowly lifted my hand and shakingly brought it up to the wolves’ face, feeling the need to touch him but absolutely terrified that he would kill me the moment he felt my touch. But something inside me told me to fight through the fear and give in to the urge. I placed my hand on to the wolves’ face and heard as everyone that was encircled around us gasped. The wolf closed his eyes and buried his head into my touch and began to slowly transform back into the person who had always protected me... Alaric. Alaric: I looked down at the beautiful woman who was now laying under my naked body and studied every inch of her face. The moment she had reached me, every bit of pain I was going through dissipated away, and an overwhelming feeling of calm washed over me. How was that even possible? I waited for her stunning yellow and green eyes to reach mine, and at that very moment, the whole world seemed to stand still. A sudden pain hit my chest and took my breath away, and I noticed that she, too, was wincing in discomfort. Her hand, which was still placed on my cheek, began to let off a feeling of electricity and emanated its way through my entire body. What in the name of Selene was happening? Thea’s eyes never once left mine, and she seemed to just accept everything that was happening between us. “It’s you.” She whispered, still holding her hand against my cheek. The trance I was in seemed to break as quickly as it started, and I looked down at myself, remembering that I was completely naked and had my body over Thea's. I pushed myself away from her and looked over to my father, who was looking at us both in astonishment. “Elias, I need something to cover myself.” I growled, a little irritated that he too was looking at me and then at Thea in complete amazement. I watched as he blinked and then shook his head before taking the blanket from the elder who was stood beside him. I wrapped myself in the brown blanket and stood from the earth, my eyes not leaving my father. “We need to talk.” I whispered as I passed him. My dad followed closely behind me until we reached a part of the grounds, which was secluded and away from the pack and Thea. “What just happened?” I asked him, knowing that by the look on his face, he understood exactly what just took place between myself and my friend. “When the dove flies towards the falcon. And a flame is lit with desire. Then there is hope for all. As written in the stars by Gaia.” He said, recalling part of the prophecy that I had read the day before. I shook my head in disbelief. This was all just too strange for me, and it all made me feel uncomfortable. I growled in frustration and began to walk away from my father. “She is your mate, Alaric. You can't run from this... You need to accept it!” I continued walking away from him and bypassed every single member of my pack, avoiding their gazes until i reached the elder and the scroll which he held in his frail hands. I brought my wrist up to my mouth and allowed my fangs to extend before biting into my own flesh. I held it over the old contract and watched as my blood dripped down and seemed to be sucked into the yellowing paper. Once the contract was sealed, i dropped the blanket from my body and shifted into my wolf Ragnar. I needed to run, and i needed to think.This was all too much for me to take. I can’t do this. I can’t be her mate, I can’t be her falcon, and I can’t be her king.”
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