Chapter 17: Cycle Of Addiction

2096 Words

He intended to seek out Parker, but when Fresco's feet found the hall, the weariness returned. Instead, he dragged himself back up the staircase. With a jolt of dismay, he realized he couldn't remember which door was his. After a few false starts and embarrassed apologies when he peeked in where he wasn't wanted, Fresco stumbled upon the ancient, dingy bathroom. He made a mental note to remember its location, the smell of pine cleaner making his head swim. He found his door and hid behind it. A new tray appeared in his absence, loaded with a fresh sandwich and a large bowl of chocolate pudding. He took it to bed with him, able to stay awake long enough to finish before tugging the wool blanket over himself and falling asleep. *** Fresco hovered over the City. His heart leaped as he saw t

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