21: My End

1054 Words

LISA I slid to the floor, resting my back agist the locked door. I want’t even trying to get out. My body was still shaking from what I just noticed. It was’t the first time I had seen Rhysand kill. I don’t know why it shook me more right now. He killed my entire pack in front of me but I wasn’t as shaken as I am right now. Maybe because then, I knew he was going to kill me. But he didn’t and now I live in his house, under his rule. There is no way for me to get out of here. My body raked with my sobs. Whenever I close my eyes, the sight of the young wolf going down sips into my mind. Over and over again. He only about my age or a few years older. I doubted he was even twenty three. And now, he is dead. What if he had hopes and dreams and… now, he is just dead. Just like that. And I

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