1335 Words

RHYSAND Lisa is a dream. She is everything I have ever dreamed of in a woman. Did it hurt to not be able to take her the way I want to? Yes, so f*****g much. But it is for her own good. I’m waiting for her to remember the night we had. She was drunk and I wasn’t exactly thinking straight, but I could remember everything. I expect her remember soon enough. Lycans have really good memory too. I have been forcing myself to stay away from her. Because whenever she is present, all I can think of is devouring her. Teaching her dirty thing that’ll ruin any shred of innocence she has left. Patince. I remind myself as I opened the door to the dining. Geneva found a seat opposite Lucien, which meant she would be sitting on my right. The moment she saw Lisa by my side, her lips tightened but she

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