1048 Words

RHYSAND For some f****d up reason the I cannot explain. Seeing Lisa in Lucien’s arm pissed me off. I didn’t know what about it set me off. I usually din’t care if he went after women I was with. There is never a repeat witness them. Except Keisha, of course, but that mistake was my fault. Anyways, the general point is I usually didn’t care. But with him standing next to her, a broad smile on his face. I wanted to punch him in the face. Maybe make him lose a teeth or two so it would ruin his pretty face. Most people preferred him to me. He was god at hiding the unhinged side of me, while I embrace mine with pride. He charmed people into letting him kill them. You would think he had the ability to compel with the way everyone is willing to do as he says. They do whatever I want. But tha

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