1037 Words

LISA I think, if Rhysand hadn’t said ‘no pressure’ I wouldn’t have been pressured. But then, the moment those words left his mouth, I acme a mess. Even more than I usually was. The minute he parked the care outside of the large building. I started shaking almost uncontrollably. He looked at me, amusement clear in his eyes before he stepped out of the car and motioned for me to get down too. Not that I was expecting any kind of special treatment. Standing only own feet was like something I had never done before. I shaking and my teeth were chattering. He had said that just to mess with me. You could see it in the way he carried himself. Like he was proud of his job or something equally evil. I won’t let him win though. “Don’t make me wait up for you.” He said as he increased his pace.

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