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“MR TOBI, SIR!” HIS assistant shouted. Detective Tobi Akano, 40, head detective, Lagos Island Police Department turned. He was still feeling sleepy. His assistant's call had woken him from his beauty sleep. “Sir! Good morning sir. My call woke you up from sleep, I guess,” she added with a chuckle. “Efe, it's 6:30 in the morning. What do you think? Anyway, they say homicide, yes?” he asked. “Yes. you need to see the crime scene. A woman was found out passed out at the entrance to the bedroom. I think...” “Efe! at least let me see the crime scene first, now.” They went into the house. It was a big duplex on the the island. The detective wondered why rich people met their deaths early. What is wrong with these criminals for Christ's sake, he thought. Just lay off the crimes and let a family man have some peace! As they walked through the house, he tossed greetings at other junior detectives and was accorded the respectful replies from his subordinates. As they ascended the stairs to the bedrooms, the detective did not fail to notice the posh interior. “Funny, isn't it?” he chuckled. “These guys are always richer than we ourselves who keep them safe.” “Yeah, this police work doesn't pay much,” she agreed. They finally got to the bedroom and crossed the police tape. The interior of the bedroom was tastefully furnished, with a magnificent bed and mattress, covered with beautiful bedsheets. A duvet was placed over the bedsheets, with two pillows and a bedside table on either side of the bed. To one side was a chest of drawers, and behind the bed a wardrobe. To the other side was a chair with a table, on which different make-up kits were placed. A large window was beside the wardrobe. The room was painted a bright pink. On the bed was the main centre of attraction. The murdered woman, a woman in her middle 50s, lay on the bed, and the look on her face bespoke the agony through which she met her end. There was a bullet wound on her forehead, dried blood all around it. Her hands were still gripping the bedsheets. “Looks like something you see in a horror movie,” Efe whispered. “Holy crap,” he muttered. Twenty-seven years on the force and he had gotten used to seeing scary crime scenes, but some things could just knock the wind out of one. “So, the cause of death was a bullet, what kind exactly, we have have to find out.” A junior detective hurried over. “Sir, press vehicles are pulling up at the gate and are making preparations to...” “Let no member of the press get in, understood? Tell the other officers outside,” he snapped. These pests of the press. One crime happens and they swoop down in their scores. God! Detective Akano subjected the room to a careful analysis, while Efe stood by watching quietly. He came upon a recently scratched place on the wall. This he observed for some seconds. “Who was the woman they found at the door?” he asked. “The housekeeper. The doctor is still examining her. We can question her when she comes to.” “Okay, we're done here. Get the body into a body bag and convey it to the coroner at LIPD,” he said to an officer standing by. “Finally!” Efe said, relieved. “I'm more than ready to leave. This place reeks of death.” She eyed the body. “After you,” he said gesturing toward the door.
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