Aetheling: a potential heir to the throne, generally of royal descent. AethelingBurh: a fortified town BurhFyrd: Anglo-Saxon levied fighting force FyrdHide: a land unit of variable acreage HideHundred: an administrative area of about 100 hides; a subdivision of the scir. HundredJómsvikings: an order of Viking mercenaries or brigands of the 10th century and 11th century. JómsvikingsMoot: a meeting MootNithing: a coward, a man of no honour. NithingScir: a shire ScirScop: a bard or poet ScopThegn: a landowner and fighting man, many, like the horse thegn, had a specific duty on the noble"s estate. ThegnWends: a historical name for Slavs living near Germanic settlement areas. WendsWergild: blood price; p*****t for killing or maiming, according to rank. WergildWitan: the king"s coun