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I am just a normal woman who simply lives in the world of human beings. But I can't say that I can call myself normal, why? Because, My sense of smell and feeling are very sharp. I started walking from where I was before and started heading to the back door of the rooftop. I walk slowly and quietly. Almost as well as my breathing I stopped just to not make any noise. I reached the back of the rooftop and I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw nothing strange in it. Maybe I'm feeling toyed with again. I was going back to where I was sleeping earlier, but I stopped and almost lost my breath at what I saw. A strange creature is now approaching me. How could there be such a creature here at our school on the rooftop itself? I almost lost my strength that was previously full and did not want to move my legs; it was nailed to where I was standing. I almost just watched a scary creature approach me that I had never seen in all my life. It was about to get close to me, but it still made me do nothing and remained stunned at the emptiness while still standing. When I saw it coming close to me, I just closed my eyes. I have been able to close my eyes for a few seconds, but I still do not feel any pain. I was still in such a situation when I heard a man shout. "AAAAAHHHHH!!" I immediately opened my eyes and there I saw a man with a sharp sword flying in the air. "Wait flying?" I can't believe I asked myself. The flying man is heading for the location of the scary creature. I could barely move from where I was standing because of the events I am now witnessing. Things went fast. A dazzling light enveloped the entire environment. I could do nothing but close my eyes again. I also stayed in that situation for a few minutes until someone spoke. "Who are you? What are you doing there?" I opened my eyes again when I heard a very beautiful voice and when my eyes awoke a very handsome man was now standing in front of me. I could not speak immediately because, I was obsessed with his face. "I'm asking you girl !!" I was surprised when it suddenly shouted at me. I just frowned. Why am I stunned by the look on this man's face? It's a pity! Instead of answering his question, I turned to the scary creature that was now a fragment. What happened? I was about to approach the strange creature when the handsome man suddenly stopped me. "Do not go near there!" "And why not?" I answered the man. "It's up to you if you want to die early. I will just end your life!" its response. I was almost terrified by what he said so I just backed away. When you are told that you will not be afraid? "You have not answered my question yet," he said again. "Btw, my name is Sophia Faye Connelly and you are?" I said to the man with a smile. I was surprised when he suddenly looked at me seriously. I'm the one who is kind enough to introduce myself and he still has a look that still looks serious. And it seems like he really has no intention of introducing himself. "Did you see what happened earlier?" it asked me again. And because I was annoyed with the man I answered it even though it was not true. "Of course!" I was proud to answer the man. "Then you can't live anymore!" It's shouting at me. I stiffened my stand because of what the man said. Knowing that he could really do that. The fear I had felt before came back. Because the aura of the man suddenly became scary, I just talked to him. I thought he was just joking, but in this man's case the word joke was not fashionable for him. "Please don't kill me !!" I beg to shout. I just closed my eyes in fear. "SO-SOPHIAAAAAAA !!!!!!" "AAAAHHHHH!!!" I cried out loud when suddenly someone shouted in my ear, which startled and woke me up all over. "I told you so? My suspicion is correct and you are sleeping again Phia!" looked at the screamer and there I saw Lianne's face again. I was holding in my head by the feeling that I was sweating profusely. Phew! Everything is just a dream. I looked at Lianne who was now standing in front of me while she was still pointing at me. "Ha-ha!" I just laughed. "And what's funny Phia?" Lianne's irritable response. "Never mind that Lianne. I'm just happy that you are here!" I even shouted at her while smiling. She smiled at what I said and I saw that. I was surprised when it suddenly approached me and grabbed me by the ear and pulled me out of the rooftop. "My dear Lianne, just take it easy. It hurts!" I still complain. "You always sleep anywhere you are comfortable as long as your drowsiness visits you. You have not changed, understand and take care of yourself, how can you live without me!" Lianne shouted angrily. I just smiled and hugged Lianne. "Yes, mom!" I answered foolishly. She is Lianne Ly my best friend since childhood. We have been together for a long time now. I first met her when I was new to this place. She is with me in everything, especially when I have a problem and when I really need someone to talk to. And I really feel that she is even more a mother if she treats and takes care of me. She never left me. She always helped me. "What's wrong Phia?" I stopped walking, wondering if I had done anything for her? It seems like I haven't done even one help. I am not enough. I have no right to be a Lianne's friend. "Forgive me Lianne." I said sadly. "I don't understand you, but don't think too much okay Phia?" its smiling response to me. I have nothing to say to this woman, her heart is very good. For me, there is nothing like Lianne. Let everyone leave me, not just her. For me Lianne has been just the most important person for me. I will do my best to protect her.
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