1033 Words

My heart was racing and I think that he feels it too. He started stroking my cheeks with his other hand as he whispered, “I am currently staring at her, Sophia.” My face flushed intensely as if a very red tomato was splattered on it upon hearing those words. Oh good heavens! That was just so unexpected. I felt thousand butterflies roaming around freely in my stomach. I stared back at him without knowing what to respond when out of a sudden, I was stunned with what he did. I felt a touch of a soft, tender pair of lips upon mine. I shut my eyes and just feel the warmth of his mouth against mine as I pressed back my wet lips against his. It was as if my ever wretched soul opened up bursting into these fiery bursts of flame that is slowly soaring gratifyingly towards the sky. Perchance a p

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