
Mated To The Alpha and His Beta


Elena Jaden, after witnessing the death of her parents as a child is accused of their death and imprisoned. She is turned into the pack slave, beaten and mistreated by her pack and even raped on her eighteenth birthday by her Alpha's son. Alpha Franklin,the strong-willed powerful Alpha of the Crescend pack saves her from the brutality of her pack. Elena vows to seek revenge from the pack that took everything from her. Elena's life changes when she learns Alpha Franklin and his Beta are her mates. She is faced with the difficulties of adapting to the differences and complexities of both men and making it the best love story. What happens when Elena discovers she has a special wolf with special powers and learns her sufferings were training to cope with the dangerous future that awaits her. The bad people who seek her powers are coming for her,not even her mates can save her and she knows nothing of this strange power. Find out how Elena survives and conquers her enemies.

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Chapter one
Elena's POV Mother, Father look at me! I screeched as I climbed up a tree. Look how far I can go; I can see practically all the pack lands. My father advised me to descend before he needed to come up and get me since I went too high and his chuckling is the last thing I heard from him. Briefly I was giggling and living it up with my parents and the following a few rogue wolves came and began surrounding my parents. They were snapping their jaws and snarling at them. My parents immediately moved and attempted to fight them off. My father immediately bounced on the greatest one and began to bring him down, yet two of them moved toward my mother, and that made him turn his head towards her briefly. In that one moment, my whole life changed, and I was totally uninformed about how awful it could get. The second that my mother felt the mate bond break from my father passing on, she surrendered and let the two wolves that were revolving around her assault her. "Mother!" I shouted out and bounced down from the tree. I felt my arm snap when I landed, however I didn't feel the aggravation in light of the fact that the aggravation in my heart was more. I looked as those two rogues gradually killed my mother. I was frozen and couldn't get my body to move. I remained there shouting for them to stop, however they were deaf to my cries. There was a third wolf who had just remained back and watched this entire situation occur. He gradually moved toward me, yet I heard members of my pack acting the hero. He came up to me with his claws protruding and sliced at my chest, tearing it open. I fell to the ground, shouting again. The three rogues steered off toward the path that they came from. They were gone before anybody from the pack showed up. Gerald, the pack's Beta, and a couple of champions were quick to show up. They rapidly each went to one of us. Nobody was saying a word, however I know that my parents are dead as of now. They didn't need to say it. "How could you kill your parents?" The beta said with toxin bound in his voice. "IIII dddiiidddnnn'ttttt." I murmured. I was alarmed that they planned to kill me. "Then let me know what occurred?" "Rogues," was all I could get out. "You mean to let me know that rogues killed your parents and let you live?" I was unable to answer any longer. I was crying excessively hard. I just shook my head yes at them. "Try not to lie, young lady. Your parents are dead and you have a couple of scratches on you. You killed them, isn't that right? I realized you were inconvenienced." "No, No doubt." I at last figured out how to get out. He went to a warrior and said, "take her to the prison. She is clearly a danger to everybody." A warrior strolled over to me and began to get me, yet I began to shout when he began to move me. The aggravation was so terrible. I was draining from the injuries in my chest and my arm was simply hanging there. "Sir, I think she really needs clinical help. She has a few pretty serious injuries on her chest and her arm is severely broken. I should take her to the emergency clinic." The warrior said. "Are you challenging my authority and trusting this dirty swindler? Since, if so, you can join her in the prison," he snarled at the champion. "No sir. I will take her to the prison." He arrived down and got me, however the agony was awful to such an extent that I shouted until I saw stars and afterward murkiness. Waking up, I realized I was being set down delicately on a hard bunk. The only thing I noticed down here is that it smelled so awful. Like old blood and faeces. "I'm grieved, young lady. I attempted to get you help. I will get you a few anti-infection tablets straight away and ideally, you will recuperate quickly." The champion shared with me. Three days passed before anybody came down and the person who came was the Alpha. He strolled over to my cell and opened the door. I sat up as warily as I was still in a lot of torment. "Tell me, why did you kill your parents?" The Alpha inquired. "I didn't." Those were the only words I got out on the grounds that he smacked me across the face. He put such a lot of power behind it that my head snapped back and I could taste blood on my lip. I brought my head back up and looked at him without flinching and inquired, "Why are you doing this? I can't kill my parents. I'm a kid." "Are you sassing me, slave?" He spat at me. Slave, I didn't have a clue. I wasn't a slave; I was a kid. "No sir, I simply don't have any idea," I told him. "What's more, that is the only explanation: you are not being killed for your violations. You are presently the pack slave and for your back talk today, you will get ten whips." He said with a gleam of bliss in his eyes. He strolled towards me and snatched my arm that wasn't broken and had something in his other hand that I hadn't taken note of. He pushed me down on my bunk face first. I lacked the opportunity to try and register what was occurring in light of the fact that I heard the break of the whip and afterward felt the agony on my butt. It happened nine additional times, and I shouted and cried and begged him to stop the whole time. Whenever he was finished, he got somewhere near ear and murmured: "Remember slave, I love punishing bad weaklings and I like to hear them shout, so you better figure out how to be a decent slave super quick or I will joyfully rehash that." He left me there and left, yet before he left, I heard him tell somebody, "take her to her new room." "My pleasure." The man answered. He strolled over and tore me up from where I was all the while laying and it was the Beta. He pulled me to my new room, which was only a wardrobe with an old sleeping pad and an old torn cover, and a revolting cushion. He tossed me on the bed and went to close the door, however halted to say, "Settle in. You will be in here until the Alpha wants to let you out." He shut the door, and I could hear his strides withdrawing away from the door. When I felt he was far enough, I began crying again until I slept off. This was the start of my damnation.

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