1 | The Strangest Dream

1583 Words
1 The Strangest Dream –––––––– DEAR DIARY, I had the strangest dream last night. And when I woke from it, things only got weirder. How did it start? I don't remember. Dreams are like that: one minute you're parasailing on the rings of Saturn, the next you're disco dancing in the Himalayas. My dream wasn't about either of those settings, or either of those activities. I think I'm maybe too ashamed to write what really happened. But here goes... I had s*x with Candy. Not in real life! I want to make this point very clear, in case some intrusive interloper happens to read these words I'm writing. For the record: it was only a dream. I did not sleep with my brother's girlfriend in the actual world. Even if the opportunity arose, I would never do a thing like that. And not just because Candy is dating Lucas, although that's obviously a huge factor. Another factor is that Candy's annoying as hell. I wouldn't want her stupid squeaky voice in my ear when I'm trying to come. I know what her orgasms sound like—hard not to hear them when we live in the same house—and I don't know how Lucas can stand it. I try not to think about matters that are no business of mine, but when you come home from work to find two reprobates boning in front of the TV, their business quickly becomes your business. I live here too, by the way. It would be nice to sit on a chair and know for sure it isn't slick with c*m. This is getting gross. But I guess it started out that way. We are talking about a s*x dream involving my brother's girlfriend. I shouldn't say the dream was gross. The dream wasn't gross. What came after the dream, after I woke up... well... I really don't know what to make of that. But back to the dream. Candy is a very attractive woman—I thought so right from the moment I met her—so it's kind of surprising that I never had a dream about her before now. Her personality's what I'm not so hot on, but hey, I went out with Sahira for two years of high school because she was hot as hell. When a woman is super-sexy and she's giving you what you want between the sheets, it's pretty easy to overlook even the most glaring flaws. In fact, Candy and Sahira are a lot alike. They're both way clingier than I've got time for. I don't know how Lucas can stand Candy's constant whining and complaining and wanting him to account for his actions every second of every day and all that blatant insecurity she's obviously not aware of. She is exhausting to be around. And, thanks to my brother bringing her into our household, I have to live with the girl. It was easier before my parents went away. Candy never had a good relationship with her mother, so she stuck to mine like glue—which took the pressure off me in a lot of ways. I had enough on my shoulders while I was finishing term papers and studying for exams. Now that I'm on winter break I would love to relax, but I feel like my body's forgotten how. I'm still so tense my back muscles feel like a rock face half the time, and it doesn't help that I've picked up every holiday shift I can get my hands on at work. I'd love to complete my degree without swimming in student debt. I'd also like to move out of my parents' house at some point, but I know that's a pipe dream. Lucas works full-time and even he can't afford a place of his own. Although, I'm sure dating Candy costs a pretty penny. She's just that type. Even though her personality leaves a lot to be desired, I can totally see what attracted Lucas to Candy. She's got a rockin' bod, for starters, and she likes to show it off. Even now that it's cold outside, she still romps around the house in tight tanks and short shorts. My dad never even scolds her for cranking the thermostat, although I suspect that's part of the reason my mom dragged him out of the country for Christmas. When you've got Candy in the house, every mouth waters for Candy. I know my mom feels sorry for her, but I also understand why she wanted to extract my father from the bouncy boobs, round butt, bronze skin, glossy curls. I'll admit to coveting Candy's hair just a bit. Mine is so thin and limp and boring. There's nothing I can do but let it hang. I would love hair like Candy's. The rest of her body I don't so much covet as... well... This dream of mine wasn't so much a story or a setting as a situation: I was n***d in a bed. In my bed, I guess, but I don't know for sure and maybe it doesn't matter. Although, maybe it does. Candy was hovering over me on all fours, with her knees between my open legs and her hands splayed at my sides. I could feel her hair tickling my bare t**s as she bent down, approaching me ruthlessly. Her tongue came out of her mouth. It didn't loll. That was no lazy tongue. It came out like a viper's to strike my collarbone. Her tongue felt meaty and not too wet. A little rough, even. She traced it up my neck, not slow and not fast. The pace was perfect, a Goldilocks lick. It made me shiver all over. My t**s peaked so hard they hurt. I wanted to feel that tongue all over my body. I wanted her to suck my n*****s and tickle my clit and fill my body with danger. I woke up before any of that could happen. I know, right? Not much of a s*x dream. Except, at the same time, that small bit of fantasy and urge built up so much arousal inside my body that my p***y felt fat with it, huge. I felt volcanic, on the verge of eruption. It seemed like I'd only have to drape my hand across my n***d mound and I would come with a banshee-level shriek. Why didn't I? In the first place, my body was so heavy with sleep I couldn't actually move. Then I heard something. A noise. A creak in the hallway. The floorboards do that, in this house. They creak sometimes, even when you think you're standing still. I've lived here all my life. I should know. That's when I opened my eyes. That's when I looked in the direction of my bedroom door, which I always close when I go to sleep. Or pretty much any time I'm in my room. I like my privacy. But I didn't have any privacy in that moment. I was fully exposed, with my covers kicked down to my feet. I always wake up this way. Even though I sleep n***d, I still get hot in the night. By morning, the sheets are down at the foot of the bed. This is nothing new. What was new, when I woke from that dream, was that I was being watched. My bedroom door was open a c***k. No, more than a c***k. Enough that Candy could perch inside and lean against the door jamb. The moonlight glinted against her silver pendant in the shape of a crescent moon. She held one end between her fingers. I could see the other end between her juicy pink lips. She sucked that pendant contemplatively as she stared across my bed, across my body. Her expression was totally blank. Was she asleep or awake? Was she sleepwalking? If she'd been awake and staring at my n***d body, wouldn't she have become flustered and embarrassed when I looked at her? Wouldn't she have rushed away, or made some excuse, like “I just wanted to borrow your...” something? Wouldn't she have shown some reaction? She didn't. She simply stared across my bedroom. I didn't move. I didn't speak. Eventually, she rolled out of my doorway and disappeared. I don't know how long I waited before getting up to close the door. Did I think she might come back? Did I want her to? What had she been doing there? And that dream I had: was it really a dream? I dreamed I was n***d on a bed. I really was n***d on a bed. I dreamed Candy was hovering across my body. When I woke up, she was hovering in my doorway. Was it all a dream, or did she lick me in real life? I don't think she did. I don't think it was real. But how can I say for sure? Closing my eyes, I tried to get back to sleep, but the throbbing affection my body had for that dream came storming back. I listened hard to make sure there was no one in the hall. When I felt satisfied nobody was out there, I sent my hand between my legs. I cupped my mound. I squeezed. I didn't want to, but I let the fantasy play out where my dream had left off. I pictured my brother's girlfriend going down on me with that sweet pink tongue. I imagined her curls tickling my thighs. I pinched my n*****s and stroked my clit and made myself come with my usual efficiency. After my spike of o****m, I didn't feel empty like I usually do. Something felt real about the experience, like the fantasy was a possible reality, or maybe an alternate one. Maybe Candy and I had s*x in another dimension. There's a thought. Either way, it put me right to sleep.
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