Chapter Eleven

2363 Words

SAMMY “Thanks, Amanda,” I called. “We’ll be back later this afternoon!” Gentry’s sister waved to us from his parent’s front door. Grayson was staying with them for the day while Gentry and I headed to my workshop. My potion was completed last night, and it was time to try it. Gentry wanted to come along to make sure everything went okay. We got in the car and headed for the Ordinary Realm. Gentry was being optimistic, but I knew he still had worries. I wasn’t worried, though. I knew this would be the solution to my problems because there was no way the Moon Mother would put me in a situation where I needed to return to the woman who gave birth to me for help. When we finally got to my shop, I took Gentry to the back and went for the cauldron stewing low over the embers in my hearth. I

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