Chapter Nine

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REMI We managed to find two very simple, white cribs for the apartment. I also persuaded my twins that it would be fun to assemble them together. Cullen looked very unenthused but still agreed. They ordered them to be delivered, and Calder promised we would come back to the Ordinary Realm soon to start setting up the nursery together. When we finally got away from that store and Teagan, my boys attempted to take me to lunch. That almost ended in disaster when a little kid spilled his drink all over me, and Cullen jumped up to protect me. Calder apologized to the child’s mother as I pulled Cullen from the restaurant. Although he acted on instinct, he did acquiesce that growling at a child probably wasn’t a good move. They returned to the office after dropping me back off at the apartment. After changing clothes, I decided to make us a nice dinner for when my mates got home. Luckily, they were both in good moods when they returned from the office, and we had a pleasant night. We spent the whole next day lazing about the apartment together. It was nice to relax in our own bubble with no interruptions for the entire day. Cullen even sent his father to voicemail despite my insistence to answer Cassius’s call. Finally, Saturday came, and we were due back to the pack for our baby shower. I woke up before both of my mates. I ended up lying against Cullen when I woke. I decided to stay put, letting him sleep longer. My fingers gently traced the veins of his arm that was trapped in my embrace. I watched his chest move up and down gently while listening to Calder snore lightly behind me. Moments like this filled my stomach with butterflies; I felt so lucky to be theirs. Cullen let out a sweet little moaning sound before his eyes fluttered open. When they found mine, he smiled. “Good morning, love,” he whispered. He made no attempt to remove his arm from my grip but turned himself to his side to face me entirely. His free hand came to the back of my head as he pulled me in for a kiss. “Good morning,” I whispered back as we separated. “Todays the day,” he said. His trapped hand squeezed my leg gently. I nodded, not wanting to tell him I was nervous. “You will be wonderful,” he reassured. I cuddled closer to him, letting his comforting scent fill me. A few minutes later, another arm snaked around my waist, and my other mate joined us. “Good morning, baby,” he mumbled into my neck. His hand rubbed soft circles over my stomach. I relaxed into his touch when I felt movement. Calder stopped, his hand still over me. “Was that…” he trailed off, lifting his head. Cullen noticed, too; his hand moved to my stomach. I waited, holding my breath. It happened again. The tiniest push against one of their hands, then the other. I looked up at Cullen, whose eyes went wide. “They kicked,” I whispered. Cullen’s eyes were glued to his hand over my stomach. Neither of them spoke as we all sat there. Again, the little babies inside of me kicked their daddies’ hands. Cullen looked up at me this time, his expression warm and adoring. “They kicked,” he smiled. “Baby,” Calder said happily into my ear. I let out a small laugh as they both squeezed me. “Was that the first time they moved?” Calder asked as they pulled away enough to let me breathe. We all shifted so that I could lay on my back and they both could lay on their sides facing me. Each one held their hand over my bump now. “Yea,” I smiled. “That’s the first time I felt them move like that. They moved for you.” They each kissed my cheek, and I could feel their excitement through our bond. “Are you hungry, beautiful?” Calder asked. “Are you offering to make breakfast?” I laughed. He nodded. “Can I watch?” He laughed at that one. “I don’t think I am completely hopeless,” he defended. - After an interesting breakfast prepared by Calder and then a shower with both my mates, we got ready to head to the packhouse. I had to text Nicole about what a Luna wears to her baby shower only to get a reply that my outfit was waiting for me in our room. I took that as an excuse to be comfortable until we got back. Calder chuckled when I came downstairs wearing leggings with one of his sweatshirts. Cullen drove us back. He held my hand the whole time but kept it against my bump. I knew he was hoping to feel his babies kick again. He hadn’t stopped smiling since we got out of bed. I enjoyed their excitement until we pulled up to the packhouse, and Nicole was waiting for us at the front door. “You took your sweet time getting her back here,” she scolded Calder as he opened my car door. “It will be fine, Mother,” he told her, grabbing my hand. “She can’t be late when she is the reason for the party.” Nicole rolled her eyes with an exasperated expression. “Let’s get you dressed. Pack members have already started to arrive,” she said, hurrying us inside. I tried to pull my mates with me, but they shook their heads. When I gave them a questioning look, they smiled. “This is where we have to leave you,” Calder linked. “We don’t want to be in Mother’s way,” Cullen explained further. I frowned as I was ushered upstairs. I felt a tiny bit relieved when Nicole and I found Pip waiting upstairs for us. “There you are!” she said excitedly. “Amanda, darling, can you help Remi get ready? Someone should be downstairs to greet everyone,” Nicole said. “Leave it to me,” she smiled. She grabbed my hand, and we hurried into Cullen, Calder, and my bedroom. When the door was closed, I sighed, dropping my shoulders. “Don’t worry,” Pip laughed. “This will be fun, I promise. Nicole did an amazing job.” She walked over to the bed and opened the garment bed lying on it. She brought me over the clothes. “You change, and then you can sit while I fix your hair.” “Is it too late to get me out of this?” I joked. “Yes,” she said. “Shouldn’t have decided to have Alpha pups. Now go.” She shooed me into the bathroom to change. When I returned from the bathroom in the bright blue top and black slacks, Pip ushered me into a chair and set to work on my hair. Thirty minutes later, Nicole was knocking on the door to summon us. “You look great! They are going to eat you up,” Pip said, smiling at her work. I took a look in the mirror and felt thankful for my best friend. “Thanks, Pip,” I said, hugging her. “I’m saving my present for after the shower, though,” she said with a sneaky smile. “Let’s get you down there before Nicole charges in and carries you down herself. She is so excited to show you off.” I rolled my eyes but smiled and nodded. I did appreciate how much work Nicole put into the baby shower for me, and I loved that she was so welcoming and excited about the pregnancy. It was just uncomfortable having all the attention on me like there was a pressure to perform that I still wasn’t used to. Pip and I head downstairs arm and arm while I silently wished Calder and Cullen were going to be there with me. At least when I had them by my side, I wasn’t so nervous. “Where did my mates run off to, anyway?” I asked Pip as we walked. “I think Nicole banished them to their offices with Cassius and Gentry,” she said. “At least they aren’t far,” Calli reassured me. When we got downstairs, we headed to the back door and found Nicole waiting for us. When she got a look at me, she looked like she was about to cry. “Oh, Remi,” she gasped. “You are absolutely glowing. But, darling, smile! Everyone is here to celebrate you and our future Alphas!” She hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, putting on my smile. “Sorry. Just missing my boys,” I told her. She squeezed my hand. “I was the exact same way when I was pregnant with them,” she reminisced. “I always wanted Cassius by my side. I think it’s a comfort thing for you and the pups.” “You know, everyone might enjoy the party more if we were to have Caldy and Cully join Remi?” Pip suggested. I turned to her with wide eyes. I would love to have them by my side, but I wasn’t going to ruin any of Nicole’s plans. “Alphas and Luna together, her doubles to welcome their doubles?” I looked at Nicole, who seemed to be thinking about it. “You might be right, Amanda,” she said, surprising me. “Having the boys with Remi might be perfect. You all haven’t had too much opportunity for face time with the pack as a couple. I’ll have Cassius send the boys right away! Then you can all enter together!” Pip squeezed my hand, and Nicole hurried away. “You’re the best,” I turned to say to her. “I know,” she gloated. “I thought that might do the trick! Now you get your boys and your party.” “So how long does this last? I’ve never been to a baby shower before,” I asked her. “It’s probably better not to ask,” she laughed. “But don’t worry. I have already arranged your rescue as well.” “My rescue?” I questioned. Pip smiled confidently. “Don’t worry. You will see.” We waited a few more minutes before Calder and Cullen strolled toward us. Cullen looked annoyed, while Calder looked a bit worried. “Dad told us you needed us,” Calder said, coming straight to me. “I convinced your mom that it would be better for the pack and Remi if you attended the party as well,” Pip smiled. “I thought the shower was for the women to celebrate the pups,” Cullen said, confused. “Yea, mostly,” Pip said. “But Remi’s nervous, and they are celebrating your pups too. Just go out there, hold her hand, and be the charming Alphas you were raised to be.” She rolled her eyes at them and patted Cullen’s shoulder before heading outside; the twins looked at me. “If you guys were busy, you don’t have to stay,” I said quickly. They both softened. “No,” Calder said. “We are just surprised, is all.” “We never expected to be sent down here for this,” Cullen continued. “Mother made it clear we would hand you over this afternoon.” “If you want us here, we would be happy to stay,” Calder said. They each grabbed one of my hands, and the tightness in my chest eased. I did want them by my side. “Ready then?” Calder said, mirroring my smile. I nodded my head. Nicole came back inside and looked at us lovingly. “Oh, my boys and their mate,” she cooed. “Let’s go shower this mama with love!” She led us outside, announcing our arrival as we headed into the sunshine. Outside, there were at least 200 she-wolves, all old enough to have had pups or be having them. Everyone happily cheered and greeted us. Calder and Cullen waved to all of our pack members while also holding my hand. We headed to the stage where extra chairs were being set for my mates at a small table. Nicole handed a microphone to Calder. “Good afternoon, ladies,” he said sweetly. “Thank you all for coming here this afternoon to celebrate our wonderful mate.” He looked down at me with a warm smile, making me smile back. He was laying it on extra thick for the pack. He handed the microphone to Cullen. “I hope you all don’t mind, but we wanted to join our mate in celebrating the life she carries,” Cullen said. “And it is our pleasure to announce to you all that your Luna is not carrying one future Alpha, but two!” My mouth dropped open as Cullen smiled at me. The she-wolves all screamed. I did not expect him to announce it to everyone. Cullen laughed, pushing the microphone in front of me. I gaped for a second, trying to figure out how to follow that. “Thank you all so much for coming,” I said, turning back to them. Calder and Cullen both squeezed my hands. “I just had to ask our Alphas to join us for all the fun this afternoon. Who better to help us celebrate our double trouble than our twin Alphas? I think it’s time to play some games.” I smirked at Calder and Cullen. To their credit, they kept their loving, warm smiles on their faces, but I knew they were intrigued by the thoughts going through my head. Pip had laughed on and on about a game wear Nicole had melted candy bars into diapers, and everyone was to guess the kind of ‘poop’ it was. I was about to make them play.
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