1625 Words

DRAVEN “Why do I have a bad feeling about all of this?’ Vadirr turned from the bookshelf to study my face. It wasn’t like him to question my decisions, and repeatedly must I add. I hated being questioned and any other man wouldn’t dare to, especially given the situation. But Vadirr isn’t just any man, he’s my best friend and confidant. Along with my younger brother Duron, he’d fought with me on many occasions. We’d conquered enemies together, acquired lands and wealth, and he’d put his life on the line for me many times. We were born to be best friends, and he’s one of the few people that gets me, second only to Duron, my younger brother. Vadirr and I are age mates sharing the same birth date, but there’s a two year gap between us and Duron, although it is hard to tell. Born of the sam

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