#4 I hate you!

1978 Words
Mia's POV "How could you not tell me before?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead, looking outside the window. I was angry and hurt. I resented that no one informed me about Ivan's arrival. I had to bump into him. I had to hear him call me an i***t, even after all these years.  My blood seethed when I saw Ivan's perfect smile. Even though I was a wolf, I still could not hear the discussion between him, Gerard, and my father over the morning tea on the lawn. Along with them, there were fellow other wolves to serve. A pack under the Greybeards territory's alpha, Tristan, who runs a wedding planning business, was also there. They had done an outstanding job at Isabella Black's and Danny Greybeard's wedding.  I wondered if my father had given the wedding contract to Tristan to please the king. There was a possibility that it was a demand from the Blacks. It made little sense to give it to someone from such a faraway place, even if they were doing a decent job.  For a brief second, Ivan's and my eyes met, making me feel flustered as if he caught me doing something wrong. But he quickly turned towards Tristan to say something. I could be wrong, or it could be in my head. But I felt as if he smirked at me. It could have been a smile because he was happy about something Tristan said.  Emma joined me, following my gaze towards them. A small smile spread across Emma's face. "Ivan informed about it suddenly. Father thought it was best if you don't receive him. You two don't have any pleasant moments in the past. He was afraid Ivan night feel uncomfortable or bitter if he saw you." I grunted at that explanation, even if I knew it was right. Ever since I saw Ivan Black, it was like someone has set fire to my body. I feel pressured to break this marriage. The restlessness and resentment kept me awake for the entire night. It bothered me that Emma has to marry that heartless prince.  But what pissed me off the most was I let myself be vulnerable and feel attracted towards him for that split second. I cursed myself for feeling that way about Ivan. It was a sin probably to feel attracted towards your soon-to-be brother-in-law. If Emma ever discovered that, she would despise me. But I disdained myself more because I let myself forget for that brief second that he was Ivan Black, the kid-boy-man who tormented me the most. He made everything about him while I suffered alone. I wanted to put some sense into her. I felt this urge to explain once again to Emma why they should break this marriage. But when my eyes landed on Emma's beautiful, smiling face, I knew something was odd. She kept smiling goofily while staring towards the place Ivan was sitting with others to discuss god-knows-what. I sighed, feeling annoyed. I wanted to scream or maybe slap Emma as several invasive thoughts enthralled me. How can she smile looking at Ivan? Plus, why am I feeling so overwhelming and restless? Is it because it looks like Emma has already fallen in love with Ivan? Her face glowed when she kept looking at Ivan with eyes full of love and affection.  "You love him, don't you?" I probed, putting my heart over the edge. It was beating so loudly that I could hear it with no difficulty. I felt restless while waiting for Emma's response. I wondered if I hated him so much that I still felt overwhelmed after all these years. It was not like he did something to me now other than call me an i***t.  "Yes," Emma replied, lost in her thoughts, smiling lovingly.  That look on Emma's face startled me. What was that smile about on Emma's face? How could she look at someone like that and feel so warm? When did she fall in love? What was happening? For the last few days, whenever they talked about Ivan, Emma's eyes would become sad, and her body gave sad vibes. But today, Emma was different. She was smiling and was definitely happy. It perplexed me more than I can express.  Then a theory unfolded inside my brain. I felt like a detective or a love expert when I was neither of them in my real life. I pondered if the two fought. Probably, Ivan showed up early to make it up with her before his family showed for the marriage. It seemed like the two made it up last night. It seemed like a perfect explanation to me.  "Did he come because of you?" I delved deeper to find out more. I wanted to know how close exactly Emma and Ivan were. I wasn't entirely sure about my motive behind it. But I will settle for the hatred for Ivan Black every time.  "Yes," Emma replied, still lost in her world. How much smitten was she by him? "Wow! Do you love him that much? Are you going to marry him?" I scoffed as soon as the words left my mouth. Why on earth did I even try to persuade Emma when she was already in love with Ivan? If Emma and prince arrogance love each other genuinely, then I am not a stupid maniac to create a commotion before marriage. But I was feeling a little sad because Emma had not said to me about this situation between her and Ivan. I kind of blamed Emma for my erratic behavior. "Yes, I love him. He is my-" Emma was just about to complete her sentence when the door opened, making a creaking sound, snapping her out. It was the butler who had come to ask us to join for breakfast.  Emma and I walked down the hall in awkward silence. I felt flustered as I passed by Ivan's room. For the past few days, all I did was try convincing Emma to break the marriage while she kept defending Ivan. Now that I look back, I feel total foolish. I let my prejudice about Ivan blind me to see the truth.  The breakfast was rather dull, and I was glad about it. Only my parents occasionally spoke with Ivan. They made me sit in the farthest corner from Ivan so that nothing awful would come out of it. I could still feel the burning glares Ivan sent in my direction from time to time. But I never looked up or met his eyes.  After breakfast, I was expecting Ivan to go out with my parents or Gerard to check the wedding preparations or do some pack duties. They always had something more to discuss regarding the business or werewolves. But he chose to stay back. I wondered if he did it intentionally to find some alone time with Emma. There was no other reason why he would stay back and get bored.  Like a wonderful sister who wanted to give some privacy to the couple, I left for a walk. Also, I needed some fresh air to accept the sudden change in the situation. It was way too much for me to take. The weirdness between Ivan and me unsettled me more than I wanted to accept.  At first, I thought to call Nancy. But it was her nighttime, and she would be deep asleep. So, I strolled through the snow-clad forest myself. After a while, I felt like someone was following me. I increased my pace, but I could feel the person nearing me. I groaned in frustration. It was a dangerous day to mess with me. I turned to confront the stalker. But it stunned me to see the most unexpected person on my tail.  Ivan Black stood behind me in all his glory. He had all the good traits of an angel and a devil when concerned with good looks. No wonder he was popular even before he was crowned as the alpha prince.  "What are you doing here? Where is Emma?" I asked grumpily. Can't I be alone? And why wasn't he with Emma? "Emma had to leave for some work. I saw you going out." Ivan replied. He was rather calm and gentle, confusing me even more. "So, you decided to follow me?" I scoffed.  "I am curious," Ivan admitted. He had my attention, but I wasn't going to make it obvious.  "To check if I am really Mia?" I scorned.  "I knew it was you, right away." Ivan accepted. "Then why are you here, Ivan?" I glared at him.  He was confusing me. I felt pissed.  **** Ivan's POV "Then why are you here, Ivan?" Mia glared at me. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I wanted to meet her so badly that I followed her here. But how can I tell her that? "I was curious to know where you have been all these years. There are so many rumors. I am not quite sure which one to believe." I replied. I indeed wanted to know about it. But I was not entirely sure why I was so desperate to catch up with her. I should be with Emma, doing whatever she was doing. But I am here with Mia, in this lonely place, giving excuses.  "Feel free to believe whichever is more tantalizing." Mia scoffed, looking away from me. It was this attitude of her that made everyone wary of her. She never explained herself or accepted anything. She was the bluntest, straightforward person I have ever met. But she was equally secretive and enigmatic when it came to her.  "Is this how you speak with your brother-in-law?" I grumbled. I was the alpha prince. Who was she to talk to me like that? Any other person would be in the clouds to receive this much attention. But this delusional girl was audacious.  "Is your little ego hurt?" Mia smirked. I felt like she was mocking me.  "You will respect me, Mia. I am your alpha prince." I groaned, closing the distance between us to intimidate her.  But she stood her ground, unfazed. It confused me how she was resisting me. Is it because she lived with humans for too long? Is her wolf dead? Or does she hate me so much that she is somehow resisting me?  "I hate you, Ivan Black. With all my heart, I hate you. How dare you believe that you can intimidate me? I am no more that little teen girl whom you could bully with your minions. I do not care about your rules and how pitiful everything about this world is." Mia loathed, making me cringe.  I wanted to revert. But Mia was not yet finished. I could see a hint of tears in her eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because of the pain she felt or the anger towards me. But I knew what I had seen. "I hate you how you made me feel. How every time I said something, you would do the opposite just to make me look bad! I hate how you spoiled my eighteenth birthday. I hate how everything is about you. But I hate you the most because you are marrying Emma even after knowing that she always wanted to be with her mate." Mia burst out. Her words were sincere, even though they felt like needles pricking me again and again.  Before I could reply, she ran away, shifting to her beautiful wolf. I wanted to follow her, maybe comfort her too. But my ego did not let me move. I saw her retreating figure as I battled between my pride and the strange feeling in my heart to assuage my to-be wife's sister. It was new, and I feared it would be the reason for my fall.
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