#30 Solving a Fight

2160 Words

Ivan's POV What happened next was like fireworks bursting inside me! It was too good to be true! Mia clutched my shirt with one hand and grabbed the back of my hair with the other. She pulled me towards her, capturing my lips with hers. Mia wasn't shy anymore like she appeared a moment ago. She was ferocious, needy, and in some sort of hurry. I liked this Mia better. She was bold. I parted my lips, giving her an entrance. And that hungry girl did not even waste a second before ravishing my mouth. She twirled and swirled like an expert, making me wonder why she was good at it? I tried to brush those thoughts and concentrate on the present. However, Mia's vague answer from before about her dating life clubbed with these perfect kissing skills was too much for me. My wolf whimpered an

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